She Loves Her Best Friend. Bit Too Much Than She Should. Chapter 18

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The day the cemetery I suddenly woke up, as I remembered the wild dogs biting me and ripping my flesh with their canine teeth's. I realised I was laid down when I tried to sit up I hit my head on something that felt like a wood I looked at my surroundings and I realised I was inside something that looked like a box.... No... a coffin. I started hitting my fists against the wood and screaming until the fists went through the coffin door, for a moment I thought I was fine now but I realised I made it worse. The sand started coming in and I felt as I couldn't breathe, that's when the coffin door opened and strong arms picked me up, I was so confused when I looked at the two boys staring at me worried.

"Who the hell are you guys? Why am I in a coffin? What happened to me?" One of the boys just shakes his head "This is not the right place to have this conversation, but I am Luke and he Callum, we are here because we were waiting for your awake. Everyone thinks you are dead because of what happened to you, those wild dogs that almost killed you... I and Callum are two of them. We didn't mean to but you become a werewolf just like us." I just stared at them thinking are they going crazy but then I looked around and it made werewolves be honest, I quite remembered hearing voices while I was being mauled but I just thought was my wild thoughts. However, I a werewolf? That was still unbelievable.We got to go before anyone sees us like no one knows we exist." At first I ok, I'd want to go I just wanted to go home but then something told me just to follow them and I did.

We got to a place that looked like a mansion, but before the house there was a large space with a lot of stuff like a bed, swimming pool, play area even a gym, I thought I was in another city but then we entered the Mansion. Once inside, there were a lot of people talking and doing different things, we went upstairs and then entered a room, other guys joined us and there were a couple of people in the room too. "Ok, what is going on guys". Callum finally explains,"Well, you are one of us now, believe or not, that means you cannot really have any connection with the outside world so you cannot go back to school or the house you lived in." Now things really looked message, butI did not want to believe it, but it did make sense when I realised how strong I went when making the hole in the coffin when I woke up.I didn't want to stress Matt or Ryan or even Kim, they wouldn't forgive me and how they are feeling now without me?

I screamed and screamed and he just stood there without doing anything. I eventually got tired when everyone else left I just laid down in the bed crying. "Hey... this is going to be your room... if you want anything Eric is right next door" I didn't reply, I just wanted my life back but kind of starting thinking what Matt was doing since I have been apparently dead, I don't know about Kim but I'm sure Ryan is depressed right now. I was so tired that I just fell asleep.cry, but in the morning, I just felt the sun hitting on my face, I could not reach Ryan through dreams but I thought a lot about going to visit them, but ... hey probably would think I was a ghost. In addition other people would find out about the werewolf's, I mean they are creatures that are alive and should have the same right of a life as a human.

Through my thinking someone knocked on my door, it was Callum. His hair was wet and he was shirtless do not really know why. He was tall and had light brown hair and blue eyes, any girl dream. Luke was blond and had brown eyes, just a little smaller than Callum. Eric in the other hand had the same body as Callum but he was ginger and had green eyes. "Um hey Joelma you are awake.... well, made you breakfast.... But if you don't want to eat its ok ."I strangely, brutally stopped him "No... is cool... I am hungry anyway". He smiled and went which it seemed downstairs to bring me the breakfast in bed. "There you go" He gave me the meal in a tray and sat down in my bed I only could smell, the smell coming from him, fresh and his hair was wet. He looked at me and chuckled " I know you can smell me... it's because I had a shower... do you like ?". I felt my cheeks getting warm and just shook my head but he still chuckled. "I was thinking... to go and see the people I love. I know no one knows we exist but I just want to see them from far, at least, one more time. I won't speak to them... just one more time."

At first, he seemed to want to say no but then he agreed to it "Since you have been a good girl, you can go but promise not to let them discover us" I smiled happily and finished my meal and he let me go. I quickly had my shower and run out of the house it seemed the house was empty because people were training and doing other stuff. First... I went to see Matt, I kind of could smell him, I don't know why but maybe because of the times I was near him I kept that with me. He was near the mall, it was weird because he hardly went to the mall but I hid behind a tree and I looked at him. He looked the same maybe a little slimmer but still look good.

He was laughing a lot towards someone, that's when I saw that he was with a girl, she looked like me but really different. I could hear her heart beat beating so fast but I couldn't hear Matt, it felt so weird but suddenly he looked up so sharply but since I have more speed I ran before he saw me... 

Matt Pov: I was with Luna at the mall, to be honest, I think I like her but my feeling for Joelma are still the same even though she died. I suddenly felt a familiar presence and voices in my head as if someone I knew was watching me.When I looked up where the trees were I saw someone but that person was so quick that I did not have the chance to see the face. I let go but I told Luna I was not feeling well so I decided to go see Ryan. 

Joelma Pov :That was really close, I decided to go to Kim next, I saw her with her boyfriend in her room, at first, they were arguing but then they got naked and obviously I knew what was going to happen next so I just went to see the last person, Ryan. His bedroom window was open and I could see from far that he was sleeping so I thought seeing he from close would be ok. I got in the room slowly and it seemed he lost a lot of weight and I saw the cuts in his arm, I wanted to cry but I had to keep my sobs in, he really was suffering the mostSuddenly his lips started moving while he was sleeping "Joelma.... Where are you...I miss you... I don't want to live anymore... is this what you call when death puts us apart... please" I had to place my hand in my mouth before a sob noise could come out, next thing I see is the door of his room opens, I automatically jump from the window and run as far I can before Matt sees me again.

 Matt Pov: I got to his house, strangely was quiet so I slowly went to his room and I could hear stuff so I slowly open the door when I saw a figure that looked like a girl standing beside him, that's when I opened the door wide and shouted "HEY!" but was too late the person jumped from the window, I ran to see if the person was alright but no signs of anyone there. Obviously, Ryan woke up with my shouting and looked at me sleepy "What you doing here and why you shouting" I looked at him "Someone is watching us..." He just looked confused at me...

She loves her best friend, but too much than she should.Where stories live. Discover now