She loves her best friend, but too much than she should chapter 22

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" I am glad I got to speak to Joelma and I hope she forgives me." Matt thought to himself while walking back home. "I promise myself, this time I won't let anyone else take her from me, I will fight for her attention and love this time. If there is a God out there please for once help me." The moment he opened the house's front door, both Luna and Ryan looked up as they were waiting for him to come home. " Is she really, alive?", Ryan interrupted the silence as if he was tired of waiting. "Yes she is Ryan, what do I gain from lying?", Matt sat down looking exhausted. "Well what she said, what did you guys speak about ?" Matt looked up smirking " Well obviously I told her about you and Luna, she heard the audio." Ryan stared at him angrily, "You are immature Matt, you know how much I love Joelma, why do you insist on getting between us?" Meanwhile, Luna was at the back biting her nails and looking upset with what Ryan just said. "Oh, so you love her so much that you had so much desire to sleep with me, Ryan?" Ryan looked at her annoyed, "Not now Luna, it's not the moment for unnecessary jealousy." Matt laughed at them two "Do not worry, she thought you would love her for eternity Ryan, but when she heard this, her heart broke, she even cried, I offered to be her new man but she said she would think about it. She ready to move on Ryan, she is not the same Joelma as before." Ryan shook his head in disbelief and scratched his head. "This was the only chance I had with her, at this time she cared about me and loved me. I threw all away for what ?!" 

Luna stood up " For me Ryan! We just slept together,  did it not mean anything to you Ryan?". Ryan looked at her coldly" Yeah that was because you reminded me of her but the real thing is not dead, that's what I want the real Joelma." She looked at him in disbelief and ran out of the house crying. "You will forever be cold brother, you did not have to go that far. Besides Joelma no longer wants to be with you." Ryan looked at him with no energy to fight " Let her tell me that personally, let me meet her, Matt." Matt shook his head " I do not have her number...but I will speak to my boss and see if he can arrange another meeting, but in what condition...." Ryan looked at him suspiciously, "What condition ?". "I have to be there Ryan..." said Matt.  Ryan looked at him and wanted to say no but then realized he did not have any choice. "Fine but stay far from us, do not want you to interrupt our conversation." Matt agreed and started getting in touch with his boss to ask him for another favour.

"After speaking to Matt, I felt a sense of relief even so I was upset because they seemed to be living their lives just fine without me. Meanwhile, I was suffering that I could not be with them. I was glad he was ok. Disappointed with Ryan because he was always jealous of Matt, for in the end to betrayed him and showed disloyalty towards me. I mean  I get it, he thought I was dead but stealing his brother's girlfriend is low. " Joelma was lost in her own thoughts when she did not realize Callum was calling her. She looked up at him "Sorry, I was so lost in thoughts, what's up?".  Callum looked at her worried and pulled her towards him " Are you ok?" She moved away from him as far as she could but he did not let go of her arm. " Yes I am, can you let go of my arm?" He still kept holding her arm and looking at her seriously " Does not look like almost walked down to your death Joelma.." He was looking ahead and she followed his gaze. She realised she was walking straight all this time but ahead of her was a cliff which if it wasn't for Callum, she could have died. Even so, she is a werewolf, unless she did not transform, she would die like anyone in their human body. The problem was she was not conscious that she was walking towards the cliff. 

Callum let go of her arm once he knew she was safe. "So...?" She looked at him confused. "I... did not realize... there was a cliff?" Callum looked at her not believing in her but there was not anything else he could say about it. " So how was your meeting? " Both of them started walking towards the house. " Well...I am relieved I got to see Matt." Callum nodded " What about his brother, your boyfriend" Joelma clenched her hands " Long story... but he isn't mine anymore" Callum sensed her emotions and stopped asking any questions all the way home. Everyone was getting ready for dinner, Laura seemed to be looking for someone when Callum and Joelma got in together. "Hey, where are you two coming from?" Laura asked nervously. Callum did not say anything, just walked away. "I had a meeting with someone and we just met in the way by coincidence." Joelma said as she felt the need to explain to Laura. Everyone knew Laura liked Callum, she had denied a lot of alphas because of him but he does not seem interested at her and avoids her like the plague. No girls even try to approach him as Laura will get to them later. Laura got close to Joelma and whispered " Be careful so next time you guys do not meet ok?" She moved back and went to follow Callum. Joelma stood there wondering why she threating her as if it was her fault they met in the way.

She loves her best friend, but too much than she should.Where stories live. Discover now