She loves her best friend, but too much than she should. Chapter 9

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Joelma Pov: I was lying in my bed when my phone ranged, i thought was my da or someone familiar. When I picked up a deep voice spoke : Hey is me Ryan...Joelma. I was in shock, my brain couldnt procede what was just said. I knew was him, no doubt but i just couldn'tI think what to say, i just hold the phone spechless while i could hear him breathing heavily then i just hanged up. I didnt know what to do next....

Ryan Pov: i dont know what to do now.. she didnt say nothing and i Idon't know if she was shy or if she thought i was a weirdo, while i thought that someone knocked on the door, I wasnt really in the mood right now

Ryan: come in!

Was Matt i dontwasn't know what he wanted but i didnt have a choice to know what he wanted. He looked around like he was waiting for me to say something.

Ryan : yes?

Matt: um so did you talk to he?

Ryan: kinda

Matt: what do you mean?

Ryan : i spoke but she anything didn't say nothing... she just hanged up. I am worried because i don't know if she thought I was a weirdo or if she was shy...

Matt: what do you expect? she gets a call from a random dude that had been in coma for a 1 year, she is probably in shock or confused. Do you want me to try?

Ryan: Would you do that for me?

Matt: Do I have any choice ?

Ryan: True

I watched while he dialed her, he made his phone speak out loud so both of us could hear her, finally she picked up and her beautiful voice come through the phone

Joelma: hey Matt

Matt: hey Jojo what's up?

What really let me angry was that she completely talked to my brother different, i know she knows him, but she so comfortable with him.. dam it

Joelma: umm nothing

Matt: umm i know if weird but you receive a call from my brother, he wanted to talk to you but u just hanged up do you thought he was a pedophile or something?

My eyes wide up when Matt said that in addition she started laughing a little, well both of them, i was already annoyed i just wanted to get to the point.

Matt: well is here will you speak to him?

Joelma: umm sure

I took away the phone from him and started speaking to her..

Ryan: hey beautiful

Joelma.... um hey

Ryan: joelma i know is weird, but i am really as you can see, everything that happen between me and you was real in our dreams, you really did help and changed me and i end up falling in love with you because you are different from other girls i met... so much i can say but i don't want to freak you out..... just wanted to let you know... i wont give you to no one else... even if i have to die...

I waited for her response, i confess that i was kind of scared what she would think of me..

Joelma: wow dude i really admired you, i just didn't know what i did on the dreams was really helping some other person in the other part of the world, i confess that i think i like you too, because you where in my dreams constantly, and i just think you are cool....

I had a big smile in my face because i suspected she would understand and not freak out, my brother had a sad look on his face because he knew it he couldn't have her, i wanted to talk to her more but i wanted face-to-face.

Ryan: by the way i am going to be attending the same school as you and my brother, i hope we will be good friends even so that's not my objective because you know i want more than that... i cant believe i am telling you this, because normally i am shy... but since i am seeing people are getting to close for my own information i wanted to tell before is too late..

Joelma: True.... earlier is better... and cool... you are attending our school... cool...

Ryan: what? are you not happy?

Joelma: its not that... i am sure i will be more around Matt than you since you going to be popular and I don't really know you...

When i heard that was like a knife going through my heart it hurts hearing her saying something like that, it hearted that she treated my brother as nicer and more comfortable to be with more than me and in addition i could see Matt smile appearing in his face like he was proud that even so things are happening now she still will be the same girl he met... i was deep that I didn't even realised she was calling me ..

Joelma : Ryan? Ryan?

Ryan: I am sorry.. I zoomed out...because what you said...

Joelma: Um ... why... ?

Ryan: I will tell you when we meet... I got to go... really...

Joelma: oh... ok

Ryan: Joelma?

Joelma: yeah?

Ryan: because it hurts...

After that I just gave my phone to my brother back and covered my face with my pillow and told him to get the hell out of my room.... I started crying... it really hurt me...

Joelma Pov:  He said it hurt. What did it ? What did he mean by that? I keept calling his name but then i just had an answer from Matt.

Matt: i am sorry he is angry right now

Joelma: why?

Matt: I don't really know, but he will tell u in school probably....

Joelma : ok then... i hope he is fine.. so we talk later ?

Matt: fine... beautiful see you.

He hanged up to after. What did he mean fine ? Did he wanted to talk to me more ? Well he could just have said... but I was in a big mess now... Kim telling me she wanted me as a lover and not just a bestie... Matt I know he likes me and wants me, and Ryan showing up and seeing sweet and my dream boy... I don't really know what to do... I guess i like Kim but just as friend but I like cuddling her but I don't really love her. Matt he just dam cool and looks rough which I find sexy and hot, I guess I like him, and Ryan I always liked him in the dreams since i first met him... but I obvious just thought in dreams but he is here in real and i still feel that same like like love towards him and he seems sweet which i love sweet guys... I don't know what to do ....

She loves her best friend, but too much than she should.Where stories live. Discover now