Enchanted (James Potter)

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Written for one of my favorite love songs, Enchanted, by Taylor Swift (no, I'm not a Swiftie and no, this isn't a literal song fic. The ending and basic plotline is loosely inspired by the line "I was enchanted to meet you, please don't be in love with someone else")

I forgot about Alice until halfway through so sorry that there aren't many mentions of her, did my best to add her in


The courtyard was quite empty, as it was freezing and the sky was threatening a load of snow by the time our last class was dismissed. Except, as I neared, I heard a loud yet joy-filled voice chattering on about something.

I rounded the corner and dared to look into the courtyard where a boy, filled with bravado, gestured widely with his arms while talking animatedly to three others. I didn't recognize them nor could I figure out how old they were. They definitely weren't above second year, however.

I found myself staring at him, eyes wide no doubt and a dazed expression on my face.

He had a bright glow to his face and his eyes were lit up as he leaned close to his audience, lowering his voice to a dramatic whisper.

He suddenly straightened and threw his head back in laughter, the sounds of it ringing loud and clear as if he were amused by the best thing in the world. He opened his eyes and, by chance, he looked my way and our eyes met.

The laughter in his gaze lingered then dropped as he gave a small nod before turning back to his companions, leaving me feeling embarrassed as I ducked and hurried off. My mind drifted to how he looked while he laughed for the rest of the afternoon.


Apparently, the boy was one of my fellow Gryffindors. I had no idea why I hadn't noticed him before that day but I started to see him everywhere. In the common room, in class, in the Great Hall, at the corner of my eye as he passed in the hallways.

It was truly disorienting because it was as if my eyes were drawn to him whenever he was near. I'd find myself walking down the hallway then crash into someone as my head snapped towards him. It was embarrassing and ever so annoying.

I was trying to ignore him, since I'd never paid any attention to him before, but I just couldn't. It was stupid and most likely made me look love-struck but I couldn't help it, something about him was mesmerizing.

In the Gryffindor common room, I tended to make wide sweeps over the others just to catch a glimpse of him. After a while, Lily noticed that I seemed a lot more detached from conversations and that was when I drew the line.

I made sure that I wouldn't purposefully seek him out but he stayed in the back of my mind. I was expecting the infatuation to fade except it just didn't.


"Miss Kane? Do you know the answer?"

I snapped myself out of my daze of staring out of the window and looked up at Professor Binns from where he was floating at the front of the classroom, impatiently staring back at me. I stole a glance at the board then at Noelle, who was seated next to me with a bemused expression. She shook her head, dashing my hopes of rescue.

"I don't know, sir," I replied, wincing. I was sure that I'd known the answer just a bit ago but being put on the spot fried my brain.

Professor Binns' expression turned disappointed and he turned to prey on someone else. I shot a glare at Noelle and she shrugged, grinning and sliding her notes over so I could copy them. Such a jerk, she had let me suffer only to help moments later.

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