Playing the Role (James Sirius Potter)

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My first requested oneshot! (I actually did have someone else request one but I couldn't figure out exactly how to write it... still feel bad about that-) This was requested by Hi_Boy_Love (thank you!). Hope I did well writing this! Enjoy!


"Oi! Isaacs!" I heard someone call from behind me and I rolled my eyes as I turned around to see James Potter sauntering towards me with a smirk on his face and his many, many cousins. Salazar, why did he have so bloody many and why did he have to drag them all into it?

"What now, Potter?" I demanded, schooling my face into an annoyed expression as I shifted my weight onto my right foot.

He left his cousins behind and approached me. As soon as he was close enough, he seized my bag and riffled through it before dumping the contents out and throwing it onto the ground, "Only books again? Boring, aren't you, Isaacs?"

Dumping out my bag was something I'd agreed was okay for him to do and the 'only books again?' line meant he wanted to talk later. Salazar, I just kind of wished that I had left behind my Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Herbology textbooks that day.

I scowled at my books that were strewn across the floor and hissed, "You'd better pick that up."

"I'm good, sorry but also not sorry because that's your problem," he smirked and rejoined his cousins from where they had been waiting and the small army of them moved off down the hall. Honestly, it was an intimidating sight because they were mixed ages and heights. Some of them were definitely a foot taller than me, or more.

I watched him walk off with a fake frown and started to pick up my stuff before anyone could step on it. I stuffed my supplies back into my bag before finishing my journey down to the Great Hall. It was lunch time and the seats were packed but I spotted my friends immediately and went over to the spot they'd saved me.

Serena, Gisela, and Bailey seemed to be teasing Zara because they were all grinning while she was scowling. I slid onto the bench and dropped my bag onto the ground, raising an eyebrow at Serena.

"Oh, no, Zara, save me!" Serena met my gaze with a smile dancing with mischief as she slumped against Zara in a pretend and very dramatic faint, her eyes fluttering closed.

"It's going to kill me! Zara, oh, Zara, my hero! Save me!" Bailey wailed from next to me and she leaned against Zara's other side, clutching her robe's sleeve as if her life depended on it.

I smiled with amusement as Gisela leaned across the table dramatically, avoiding the dishes, and reached out for Zara. She had a fake and very overdone distraught look on her face as she rolled her eyes into the back of her head. It was a creepy thing she could do. She whispered, "I'm dying, Zara! Save me! Oh, save me!"

Zara, when she finally noticed I had joined them, turned to me and snapped, "Isaacs! Do something, these idiots won't leave me alone!"

"Well, what happened?" I asked, watching as the three 'idiots' fell limp as they pretended to die.

"I was in Defense and they had a boggart, you know? And then some git of a Gryffindor's boggart scared them half to death and he literally ran over to me and asked me to help him," she rolled her eyes and shoved Bailey and Serena off her when the two started to giggle, "I mean, he grabbed my sleeve like it was the only thing keeping him alive! The filthy mudblood!"

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