Young Love (Draco Malfoy)

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Sorry it's been such a long time since my last update. I hope the wait is worth it because I can now present to you my longest oneshot!

It's dedicated to my lovely friend A_Daughter_Of_Ares because she's so Draco obsessed and I told her I had a Draco oneshot planned for her to fangirl over.

Scenes tend to jump from year to year, no more than three or so per year. Just pay attention to events mentioned if you want to know what year Baker is in.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy because I enjoyed writing it for you all!


"Darling, why don't you go out and play with some of the other kids?" Mum took my empty bowl and set it down by the sink before leaning over the back of her chair, which I hadn't seen her actually sit in for ages.

"Why? I thought you said you'd take me for ice cream!" I protested, flicking a bit of fuzz off my jumper then, noticing a frayed part of it, I held out my sleeve, "Mum!"

"Let me see, darling," she came closer and lifted my arm, inspecting the damaged cloth then sighed, "I'll see if I can get you a new one soon... we can go out for ice cream then, too."

"Really?" I grinned a toothy grin then hopped off the stool, "I'll go play, now!"

"Be back for your afternoon piano lessons!" Mum called after me as I skipped outside.

I shut the door behind me and hopped down the porch's stone steps before continuing down the road, knowing that Ashley and Olivia were gone on vacation and the other girls didn't exactly like spending time with me.

I skipped down the stone street, lost in happy thoughts, but my calmness was interrupted when I bumped into someone. I jumped back and looked to them.

"Say sorry to my son," the adult who had been accompanying the kid, who didn't seem to be older than me by too much, commanded.

I stuck my tongue out to him then turned to the boy, who was staring at me with his piercing gray eyes, before proclaiming, "Sorry."

"Don't be fake, girl," the man snapped, tapping my shoulder with an odd cane he held. He didn't seem old, despite the fact that adults were old in general, but he had a firm grip on his cane.

I pouted and smacked his cane away from me, protesting, "I said sorry!"

"Respect your elders," he hissed, staring down at me with a firm expression in his gaze, "Now, apologize."

I turned back to the boy for a second and flashed a small grin as I declared to his father instead, "I am sorry, mister, that your son bumped into me and that he can't apologize so I have to for him."

Both their eyes widened, the man in fury and the boy in shock, but I darted out of reach from the man's cane before he could do anything. I waved a quick goodbye as I shot back down the street, making sure I was out of sight before slowing down.


"Hey, you're the boy from yesterday!" I cried, bouncing up to the blonde-haired grey-eyed boy with enthusiasm.

He glanced over then looked away again, pretending he didn't see me. I huffed and moved to stand directly in front of him but he turned, facing the other direction again. I stood facing him again and took him by the shoulders, forcing him to look at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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