When the Dawn Breaks (George Weasley)

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This is a rewrite. Original can, of course, be found in my bonus book. Note that this is has been changed up a bit. The time is shifted so in this, dawn breaks about half an hour after the Battle of Hogwarts while in the actual books the sun rose at the same time. Now, enjoy this rewrite!


Yelling. Curses. Flashes. Hooves. Pounding. Crashes. Shoving. Debris. Death. Desperation.

This was battle.

I had never thought that I would find myself fighting for my life but there I was, barely an adult, and shooting spells at the surrounding death eaters that wandered into my range. I made slow work pushing through the dueling witches and wizards but I was able to reach the Great Hall, where friends and foes were still falling. Harry Potter had just been proclaimed dead and Voldemort seemed to be winning now that a lot of the defenders' energy had been drained from the loss of our hero.

As I was about to enter the Great Hall, a swarm of house elves burst out of the basements and flooded in between the rest of the fighting, brandishing their knives and such. They hacked and stabbed at the ankles and shins of Death Eaters with rare ferocity. A faint bit of amusement brushed over me as I spotted a house elf with a large fork, chasing a bewildered Death Eater away from one of my fellow defenders.

I turned away and rushed into the Hall to see small groups of duelists. Younger defenders were taking on powerful Death Eaters in groups and I felt a rush of pride when the thought of just how strong all of my peers were. I spotted Bellatrix and Voldemort in the middle of it all, each dueling three. Professor McGonagall, Professor Slughorn, and Kingsley Shacklebolt were taking on Voldemort while Bellatrix was deflecting spells from Lovegood, Weasley, and Granger.

I spun on my heel as a jet of green light barely missed me. I spotted the one who'd cast the spell and I raised my wand, sending a quick offensive spell at them without quite thinking about the words I'd chosen. Whatever I'd said worked because the black-robed wizard toppled backwards and hit the floor, only to be swarmed by a small group of house elves that were no doubt shouting at him about not hurting the sirs and mistresses.

I heard a sharp and loud yell and everyone was suddenly shuffling backwards as fast as they could. I, being curious, stayed rooted to my spot and shot a stunning spell at a passing Death Eater. Moments later, a circle was formed and everyone seemed to be watching as Molly Weasley started up a duel against Bellatrix. The two witches were hissing and shooting spell after spell at each other, aiming to kill. Students tried to push forward to aid Mrs. Weasley but she refused to let them help. Bellatrix was hers.

Then, Bellatrix was gone. A spell hit her square in the chest and the laughter in her eyes and lips faded away as she fell backwards, hitting the ground roughly. That was the end of the line for Voldemort, it seemed, because his last deathly loyal servant was dead. He flourished his wand and the three adults he'd been dueling were thrown aside, causing them all to hit the stone with heavy thumps.

Voldemort whirled to face Mrs. Weasley with his wand raised and he was about to cast what must've been a killing curse but in the moments it took for him to ready himself, a shout echoed through the hall.

"PROTEGO!" the voice had called and everyone hurriedly turned to see Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived who had been announced dead minutes before. He was throwing aside a silvery cloak, which definitely granted the wearer invisibility since no one had noticed him before, as he raced forward to face the Dark Lord.

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