Let the Game Begin (Teddy Lupin)

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History was boring. You couldn't convince me otherwise. If I could, I would drop the subject even if you attempted to pay me to go. Professor Binns had the most drawling voice in the world. Sure, I was a Ravenclaw but that didn't mean I enjoyed all learning. I threw myself into some classes while I wished others a painful death. Don't question the fact that I've threatened classes before.

A note landed on my desk and I rolled my eyes, knowing immediately who it was from. I glanced up to the professor up front before unfolding the paper with a smile. The familiar hand writing I was expecting greeted me.

Boring, isn't it, Starling?

I looked over my shoulder to see the blue-haired boy waiting expectantly for my response. I picked up my quill, flipped the small square of parchment over, and scratched hurried words onto it before tossing it onto his desk. His seatmate, well aware of the note passing we did, smirked at Teddy.

He ignored the look, read my note, before ripping off a new bit from the paper he was supposed to be taking notes on. Shame on him, I could tell he hadn't written everything that was on the board!

The new note landed on my desk, this time not folded into a neat square.

Aren't Ravenclaws supposed to be all amazed in learning?

I wrote back, Hah, no, sadly. This class is going to drive me insane.

I went insane long ago.

I stifled a laugh, really? What's it like to be insane?

My thoughts are a scrambled mess.

I was about to give him my next reply when the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. I tucked the note into my bag with the rest of my stuff and leaned against Teddy's desk while he stuffed his quill and parchment into his own bag.

We left class together and headed towards Herbology, one of my favorite classes. The hallways buzzed with chatter and, from what I heard, most of it was about the next quidditch game. Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. Everyone was excited and so was I, I was convinced that our team was perfect. Our captain had chosen well and we had trained hard. It was our year.

"So, Starling, what's on your not-insane mind?" Teddy asked.

"Quidditch," I replied instantly.

He sighed, "Isn't it always?"

I grinned and nudged his shoulder with my own, "Not really, I focus on studying too. And you."

I added the last two words knowing how he would react. His blue hair tinted pink before returning to their usual color. I laughed when he couldn't find words to respond with.

"Aw, Teddy, embarrassed, are you?"

He flushed but responded, "Not as much as you can get, Starling."

"Really? Try me. What're your scrambled thoughts usually about?"

"Pretty girls," he smiled.

I snorted but flushed at the same time, knowing how he would respond to my next words, "Who're the pretty girls?"

"Well, not really girls plural but you, on most days."

"Is this one of those days?" I asked as we exited the castle and headed towards the greenhouses.


I flipped my hair for added effect when I said my next words, "Obviously."

We laughed as we entered the greenhouses, setting out stuff aside and greeting Professor Longbottom. We were getting snargaluff pods. Great. Teddy and I teamed up for a plant and prepared for the task of extracting the difficult pods.

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