I Don't (Sirius Black)

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I'd always believed that I would grow up, finish Hogwarts, get a job, and get married. I always thought I would be around twenty two when I got married. But no, my parents had a different idea and that's how I found myself standing in front of one of the Black heirs, dressed as a bride.

Just sixth months earlier I had returned from my sixth year at Hogwarts for my parents to announce that I would soon be the new Mrs. Black, wife of Regulus Black. The wedding was to happen during Christmas break. Obviously, I had been shocked but I had to feign happiness. I smiled and showed gratitude to my parents before rushing upstairs.

Salazar's soul, what had I gotten myself into?

Then, sixth months later, I found myself sitting stiffly in front of a vanity while my mother rushed about, doing my makeup and tugging my hair into a painful hairdo.

"Sit up straighter, you're wrinkling your gown," she hissed and I sat taller as she started to apply insane amounts of blush onto my cheeks.

I resisted the urge to cough as she dusted my cheeks more. She hurried away to grab more makeup and I sighed quietly. My mother came back and started to apply eyeshadow with skilled hands. She moved back for a second before whisking eyeliner on. I sneezed and she poked me in the eye. She scolded me for moving as I stopped my eyes from watering up.

"Now, your hair," she stated while beginning to brush my hair roughly. She tutted when the hairbrush snagged on locks of hair but was eventually able to get the tangles out.

She twisted my hair until it obeyed and soon my normally simple-styled hair was bound into a painful and intricate updo. I felt a headache coming on.

She rushed me out and I practiced the walk she'd instructed me to use. I had to walk stiffly and upright. I took small steps and ignored the way my feet screamed from the heels I was forced to wear. She told me to wait for my time and whisked away.

I walked down the seemingly endless aisle when it was time and watched as eyes turned to follow my movements. I kept my chin up as I finally reached the end and stopped in front of my husband-to-be.

He met my gaze as the ceremony started. I zoned out as we said our vows but snapped back into it when Regulus said the two words that were going to change my life. "I do."

I saw in his eyes that he was also resenting the moment. I looked away and swallowed, stopping myself from wringing my hands in distress. Salazar, my mother would kill me if I started to fidget.

"Do you," the man standing between Regulus and I started. He glanced at me as he stated my name before continuing, "take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

The words rang through my head and the gathered people around us seemed to hold their breath as they awaited my answer. My "I do."

I took a deep breath and met Regulus' gaze once more before making my decision.

I drew myself up to full height and announced calmly, "I don't."

Gasps echoed through the space before cries of outrage. Regulus, on the outside, showed shock but his eyes told a different story. He was happy. I was glad he would be safe, my decision didn't have to do with his influence so the Black family shouldn't punish him.

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