Snow Days (Charlie Weasley)

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"Walker?" someone called from the next room over.

"Yeah?" I answered, rummaging through an overhead cabinet.

"My shift is over, and I need to go pack. I'll tell Barnes to come in," the person, my coworker Healer Gray, poked their head into the room I was in and looked around, "What're you doing?"

"Trying to find the doxycide, one of the patients from earlier came in with bad doxy bites and said there's a doxy infestation in her cabin," I accidently knocked over a bottle and set it right.

"Oh, I think I saw it in one of the lower cabinets... over here," Gray crouched to my right and started to dig through the cabinet he had indicated.

"Really? Pierce told me she put it in one of the upper cabinets."

Gray shrugged and shoved aside a box before closing the cabinet doors, "I'll ask Barnes if he's seen it."

"All right. Have a nice holiday!" I opened a new cabinet and shifted aside a roll of bandages.

"You too," he answered before leaving.

I heard the door open and close then, minutes later, it opened again. I heard wind from outside and the heavy thump of boots. Barnes, one of the other many healers working on the sanctuary, came to my side and looked around. I scowled at all the snow on his boots. It had been snowing the past few days, somewhat heavily.

"We should organize this place," he commented.

I sighed, "I know, but, Helga, that would take forever."

He smiled, "You're just lazy."

"Obviously I am," I elbowed him aside to turn to one of the boxes on the floor, "Did Gray ask you about the doxycide?"

"Yeah, I was told it was placed near the doorway, but, there's no boxes over there."

I groaned in frustration, "This is impossible."

"It really is. I'm going to go hunt down Owens."

I rolled my eyes. Finding Owens wouldn't exactly help us, who we needed was Pierce! But, she had left a week ago for the holidays and I couldn't owl her since I didn't know where she was. Plus, Owens wouldn't like being interrupted because -

"SALAZAR'S SOUL, BARNES, I'M BUSY!" I heard a thump after the shout and assumed that Owens had thrown a book or something at Barnes. Owens hated being bothered when she was working.

A few minutes later, Barnes returned with a small lump on his forehead. I laughed despite myself, "How'd it go?"

He laughed too, "It went wonderfully, she even gave me a book."

"Anyways, check that cabinet over there," I pointed to the one I wanted him to search, "while I dig through this box."

"Yes, ma'am."

I rolled my eyes at the title. I had been, surprisingly, dubbed "head healer" three years before, a month after the team had been assembled, by everyone else. At first, they all called me "Head Healer Walker" then they cut it down to "Healer Walker" because of my dislike of the title and eventually we got down to just "Walker", which I preferred best.

"Aha!" I heard Barnes slam the cabinet shut and turned to see him holding a box labeled doxycide.

"Perfect! Go deliver that to cabin four."

"Yes, ma'am," he called over his shoulder as he headed out the door.

"Stop calling me that!"

He ignored me and shut the door. I could hear him whistling.

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