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The utensils clinking against the glass plate rudely as the users rummage through the steak that had presented in front of them a while ago. The VIPs stares in disgust as the waiters are looking at the table that cause the loudest ruckus.

Which is you guys, surprise.

Copia watches with interest yet embarrassed as his band mates went wild with the food. You, stabbed the steak in the middle with a fork. At least you're well mannered, Copia thought as he watches you trying your best to avoid the sauce that dribble on the steak.

He went ahead and asked for a waiter, a waitress came over while giving the messy group a look.

Copia smiles sheepishly as he apologised for his friends being messy, and asked for a newly opened napkins. The waitress held a smile before walking away.

Copia huffed out in distress, but seeing his band mates and you being happy, he's happy too. "Mia armo, you're supposed to cut it instead of holding the whole piece with a single fork."

You hummed as he took away your utensils gently, cutting your steak for you. Then, he stab a cube steak and brought it to your mouth. "Here."

You muttered a small thank you before biting onto the fork. You chewed with delight, seeing your expression as Copia felt satisfied. Looking away from you to see his band mates pleading Copia with their eyes.

"Alright, alright. I'll cut all of yours." Copia reassured, getting up from his seat. The band mates smile, all in sync with a "thank you :).

Halfway through your dinner, you hummed in interest when the waitress presented you a bottle of wine. "Ooooo, are you getting us drunk Copia?" Sunshine teases, Copia hummed as he thanked the waitress. "Well, this is a celebration after all."

Copia said as he pops out the cork and started pouring glasses for everyone, everyone cheered as they clinks their glasses together. "Cheers!"

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

"Uhm, should we head back?" Copia soberly asked, everyone's plate are now clean and the band mates are drunk out of their mind as they nod. You push yourself up and move your seat under the table that Copia reserved.

You giggled as Sodo drunkily pulled you along with him and out the door. You're a heavyweight ghoul, and Sodo isn't, so you're the one making sure he doesn't trip on his own foot.

Once you're at the reserved parking lot, you tilted your head at the two strangers taking photos with your limbo. Yes, a limbo. Even Copia is shocked that you own one with your money.

Your tail flicks behind you, slightly annoyed. The others were still in the 5 star restaurant paying the bill, so there's only you and Sodo who saw this happening in front of your eyes.

You were fine with it, since it's fun to watch them explained that it's their car when you made an custom plate just for yourself. You're sure that there's no one else who has the same plate as you, since the shape of the plate was like a bat.

𝖂𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖆'𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙Where stories live. Discover now