Call me Baby

573 19 21

While Aether is fighting for his life, you're here on the bed with the ghoulehs as you all had a Sodo can in hand.

Sipping on the cold beverage, you can tell the ghoulehs are giving you glances every now and then, you sighs as you mentally prepared for the upcoming questions that they're about to spill.

Cirrus placed her can on the coffee table, looking at you with a sly smile. You held in the urge to roll your eyes at her grin.

"So, is he rough?", Cirrus asked, you almost spit out your drink as you cough out. "I mean the bruises tells it all."

Your words made Cirrus giggle, "True true."

Knock knock knock

You all turned to the door, you placed your soda can down on the coffee table and stood up. "I've got it."

Your words made the band mates resumed their own thing, you walks towards the door and took a peek outside.

Opening wide as you recognised the girl on the other side, you smile at Jennie softly. "Jennie, what brings you here?"

Jennie fumbles with her pen, "Copia wants to see you, and the break time is also over."

You hummed in acknowledgment, you step outside to let Jennie in. "He's in his hotel room yeah?"

Jennie answer your question by nodding her head, you wave her goodbye before going to your shared room with Copia.

Taking out your card and pressing it against your hotel door, letting it scan your card. Success, you pushed it open and closed it behind you.

"I heard you wanted to speak to me?" You asked, only to be met up with silence.

You look around the main room where your bed is, the TV was untouched as you furrowed your eyebrows.

'Hm, strange.' You thought, "Copia?" You called out, walking to the balcony to see if Copia is there.

Pulling the curtains to a side, you frowned as there's nothing there. Your ear twitched to the sound of water running, although it doesn't sound like it came from the river below.

'Maybe the bathroom?' You asked yourself, going back into your room and towards the bathroom door. Standing at the closed door, you can confirmed that the sound is coming from in there.

"Copia, you in there? Jessie said you wanted to talk to me." You called out into the door, hoping for a response or else you'll freak out.

Seconds later, the water stopped. You frowned as you reach for the doorknob, well you paused halfway cause it feels wrong.

Before you could make your decision, the door opened and there stood Copia with his makeup off.

"Ah, wearing that robe again?", you asked. Copia flushed red as he pats his stomach, "Well, it makes me comfortable."

You chuckle as you brought your forehead to his, smiling softly. "And I'm not complaining, your thigh seeping through the gap between the robe makes things exciting."

Copia stuttered as he tries to play it cool, pushing you away as he covers his apple face. "I didn't called you here to be flirted on, I'm trying to be mad at you."

You frowned as you took a few steps back, "What made you mad love?" Not going to lie, Copia's legs almost gave out when he heard the concern lingering in your voice.

"I'm mad, because you, have the choice to spend the break time with me. Instead you hang out with the kids!"

You nodded your head in acknowledgment, "Is that why you're mad?" Copia confirmed by nodding his head.

𝖂𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖆'𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙Where stories live. Discover now