Dinner, is served ;)

630 18 21

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

You huffed out in exhaustion when you place the last box filled with gifts away in your shared hotel room, you clapped the dust off your hands as you felt satisfied with your work.

You have to put these boxes here in your room since there's a lot more space than the ghoul's and staffs', you sighed at you took off your mask.

Dragging the black cloth off your face and took a deep breath, finally breathing the air you craved. Your eyes darted to the cardinal Copia plush that had a heart sewn to its nub hands.

Holding it up to your eye level as you smile at it softly, its poor designed facials with the wrong coloured eyes make you laugh silently.

You held onto its chest as you stare at it for a while, running your thumb against the heart that had 'Mercury' sewn on it with black strings.

Your tail wags when you remember seeing Copia looking at the fan confused when it was thrown onto stage during their ending ceremony.

Picking it up as he examines it on stage, earning a cheer as he held it up like a trophy. Some of the ghouls came over to see what Copia's holding.

Laughing at it as they look at each other with their tail wagging happily, Swiss turned around to gesture you over since he's closer to the backstage.

You look at him confused and you were even confused when you heard the crowd started chanting your name.

Finally with the courage, Swiss linked arm with you as he drags you out while waving at the crowd grinning.

Your eyes squinting at the stage lights that focused on your figure, you felt Swiss let go of your arm and mention you over to Copia.

Your hand fumbles with each other as you hesitantly walk to the middle of the stage, the crowd cheered louder and louder when you took a step closer.

Copia greets you with a bow, kneeling on one knee as he presented the plushie to you. You acted surprised like he's proposing and puts your hands to your mouth.

Accepting the gift with gratitude as you held it in your hands, you giggle at the dumb plushie but you love it so much at the same time.

You hugged it in your chest as you embrace it like it's the best gift you ever had, you lean towards Copia and whispered-ask who threw it.

Copia points towards the fan who had their phone out, waving frantically when Copia is pointing at them.

You held a hand to your heart as you tappy feet towards them, waving back at them with the same energy.

You blew them a kiss as thank while they made a half heart towards you, you kneel down in front of them as you connected the heart with the fan.

The fan looks so happy as their smile is from ear to ear, Copia stood right behind you as he puts his hands on his hip while looking at the fan like a disappointed parent.

Eyeing the fan like he's saying "Take too much attention from my love and you're out of here." Without even saying it.

The crowd laughs at his expression, waving their hands to reassure him they'll not steal Mercury away from him.

Happy thoughts...

You exhale deeply as you then recalled what happened at the meet & greet, you shake your head to push the bad moment aside.

You had already stayed up late crying without Copia knowing as he's sleeping soundly on your shared bed, you scold yourself for being so soft hearted.

Copia looks up from his seat on the king sized bed, he's wearing normal clothes but his face paint is still on. He frowns as his head leaned against his palm as he thinks of a way to make you feel better.

𝖂𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖆'𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙Where stories live. Discover now