Dolled up

489 21 15

(I think I catches something called the "ghost flue", cause I'm currently obsessed with ghost from Cod, and ghost from the ghost band)

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Humming drowsily as Copia was woken up by a warm cloth pressing against his stomach, slowly opening his eyes to see a ghoul looming over him.

"Sorry, did I woke you up?", the ghoul Copia knows and loves asked fondly, his clawed thumb gently stroking Copia's cheek.

"Maybe, but keep going sì? It's quite nice.", Copia said, relaxing further into the mattress as he pats Mercury's busy arm.

You giggle as you continue your work, looking from different angles to ensure that every part is clean.

Hearing a groan when you turned his body around, laying on his stomach as he repositioned his head so he isn't stuffing his face into the pillow.

"God damn you have the whole dinner right behind you.", you said, using the cloth to clean the dried stain on his butt.

Staring respectfully at his plump ass, you can't see his face but you can tell he's blushing by how red his shoulders and ears are getting.

Your eyes darted towards his thighs, which still have the fishnets on. You gestures to the fishnets as you tug onto them.

"You didn't take these off?", you asked softly, Copia froze up as he starts to profusely sweat.

"We-,well, they're the only clothing I have right now so...", he nervously explained, you kept notes about his thighs pressing together.

"Are you saying that to avoid being asked questions?", you questioned, he lifted up his head as he hesitantly looks over to you.

"What...questions.", he asked nervously, you dig your thumb through the elastic strings of the fishnets and massage his skin.

"Hiding the fact that you pressed your thighs together for sexual friction?", you muttered with a sly smile on your face.

He grumble under his breath, squirming away from your touch. "Come one baby, you think I didn't noticed you wiggling your ass into me during night? I was basically spooning you."

Leaning onto your elbows as you trapped him between your arms, your cold body pressing against his warm back gave him shutter.

You smile softly and purred into his neck, "I uh-, I think the others are waiting no?", Copia excused, feeling flustered.

You hummed as the blanket draped over you started to weight you down, "They are, would be embarrassing if they see us in this position wouldn't it?"

You teased, rocking your hips against his clean bum, Copia lets out a shaky breath as a response. Sure his butt still hurt, but it feels so good when you grind against him.

"Mnh, babyy...", Copia called out shyly, hiding his face into the pillow. You smile against his neck, kissing it softly.

A knock on the door interrupted the moment as Copia sighs out of relief, his torture of lust stops here.

For now.

"You win this time.", you whisper into his ear before getting up to get dress, throwing the dirtied cloth away into the dust bin.

Copia struggled to pull himself up from the bed, which has new bed sheets now. Copia stretched his back and cracking some joints, letting out an air of relief.

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