Ten Second

428 18 19

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

There stood Sodo emotionless on stage with his hands behind his back.

Staring back to make eye contact with one of his his band mate who's doing a skit to stall time for Copia.

Aether was playing a Christmas song to Sodo with his electric guitar while having a cheeky grin on his face.

Some of the fans realised what the song is and started singing along to the familiar tune.

Rain, who wasn't apart of this skit, sway his hips playfully to the rhythm with his head bops.

A cute deer is what he's dressing up as.

Aether strums the keys of the song while being a step closer to the fire ghoul, 'All I want for Chirstmass-~'

His hand which was occupied with the guitar pick, reaching up the hand to gesture to Sodo. 'ISs~'

'YOUUuu~~', Aether ended the line with a long strum on his guitar string, bowing his head down as he salute Sodo.

You stood at the back stage and took a peek outside, you giggle at the wholesome interaction.

You look up to Copia with a gentle smile, you snorted at the fake white beard that elastic-attached to his face.

"I still can't get over your stupid-, beard-", you wheezed your sentence out and you bend down.

Causing Copia to hit your head as a warning, "Don't you dare drop me, you better straighten up right now."

You took a deep breath to calm yourself, leaning back up to reduce the panic that Copia's feeling about getting dropped again.

"Kind of too late for that one chief.", you joked, since you are as straight as a warm noodle.

Copia realised what you meant and rolled his eyes unimpressed, "You and jokes need to be stop this instant."

You grin at his light-hearted scolding and turn your head to face the crowd through the surveillance cameras on the laptop beside you.

Copia rubbed your hand that unconsciously gripped into his thighs due to your nervousness, shaking his head when you gave him an apology.

"Don't be, being nervous is normal.", he muttered soothingly, patting the top of your mask that wearing the antlers of a reindeer.

You hummed in acknowledgment, taking a step forward but you hesitated once again.

You stood there with a moment of silence, Copia rubbed your mask's hair as he patiently waits for you to move.

You immediately tensed up when you heard some quick footsteps coming from behind you, looking behind you only to yelp in surprised.

"Another day, another slay now go get 'em!", Jessie, who's the culprit that slapped your ass, cheered for you with encouragement.

You glared at her playfully as you use your palm to massage the sore spot of your lower back, getting a giggle from her.

"You scared the living shit out of me Jessie.", you scolded, Copia chuckled as he asked how's her day been going.

Shaking your head playfully as you turned back to the stage, dragging Copia's attention away from Jessie as he was repositioned to face the stage in front of him.

"Ready my dear?", you asked softly, tilting your head up to face him. Copia smile and nodded as a response, "You know where to go yeah?"

It's your turn to nod your head, "The middle of the stage right? Where your microphone stand is."

𝖂𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖕𝖆'𝖘 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙Where stories live. Discover now