chapter 2( god I hate this town)

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rosabelle pov 

"and for literally the 100th time no" Aggie said "wouldnt even have to be a whole make over just little one" she said " give up Sophie she never gonna say yes" I said sitting down across from them so I could watch harry  while he played " hey ugly" Trevor said ( I honestly dont know his name so this is what am calling him)"aren't  you gonna answer him" Aggie said to me I giggled ' I would nerve call this cu-" he was about to say "you better stope there"I said cutting him off " any way I was talking to you" he said looking at Aggie " Eric said you put q hex on him" he said " who's Eric" soph said to me and Aggie " I dont know never heard of him" I said 'I dont know" Aggie Sid "we've been in the same class for 8 years " he said " oh the weird kid that sits in the back" I said to Soph " he said you looked at him weird  and now he's feeling all itchy"he said "that sound like a hygiene problem "Agatha said "yeah a serious hygiene problem" Soph said " or liver diseases" I said then I saw harry fall " now if you excuse me I have to go look after my brother" I said getting up and walking over "you okay buddy that looked like a nasty fall" I said "and that looks like a nasty boy" he said "yeah he is stinks of fish" I said laughing then I saw them walk away " come on buddy" I said and we went back to the table " I think he likes you Aggie" I said giggling "ew no he probably likes you" he said "what boy doesn't Aggie ro the most beautiful girl in the village" Soph said " yeah and weirdest" I said " yeah am sorry but there a Eric what when" she said me and Aggie laughed 

we walked  through the village " I need to pick up hemlock from mrs fisher for my mum" Aggie said " yeah I ned to pick up Tomatoes" I said "I gotta get some green fringe any way meet you two at devills" she said and skipped off "okay uhh' Aggie said "well lets go" I said grabbing Harrys hand and we walked throw the village people stared at aggie as we walked then we went into ally and I saw a baby got I kneeled down next to it " hi little guy" I said " can we take it rosa" he said " sorry bud we can't" I said "your the girl that lives in the grave yard" a man said to aggie we stood up and looked at him " I live by the garage yard yeah" he said 'everyone and I mean everyone says your a witch" he said to aggie "yeah well she not its just a rumour" I said " you know what we used to do to witches we used to burn them" he said " have Really  nice day sir" I said and grabbed Aggies hand and went to pull her and harry away " we dont like witches in this town do you hear me it a threat to the dissent people of gavaldon" he said posing a knife at me and aggie then he got hit by a fry ban by Sophie " am starting to think there is no dissent people in gavaldon" I said we laughed 

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