chapter 3( de vills book shop)

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rosabelle pov 

we walked out of the ally 'hey lets drop at de villa see if she got any new books" soph said 'why do you guys like books so much" harry said " because there an escape from this hell of a town" soph said "its isn't that bad" he said "that because you have a awesome big sister" Aggie said I laughed as we walked in "aaa my favourite readers good thing you stoped by we got a big delivery yesterday day" she said "any ghost story" aggie said "yes a few intreating looking ones" she said "any new fair tales" Sophie said " nothing you haven't read before Sophie but I did see some older additions "she said I looked and grabbed sleeping Beaty and Alice and wonderland " can I take these" I said "sure darling" she said"now what about you little harry"she said " i dont like reading  " he said "well lets change that what but this Peter Pan your sister used to love this when she was your age" she said I rolled my eyes and put the books in my bag "hey do you guys ever think of I dont know stepping out you comfort zone" aggie said "to the blood of a monklus sound good but sleeping Beaty and Alice in wonderland will always been of my favourites" I said "yeah you can give me Cinderella any day"Sophie said " you fond it" lady de vill said 'found what" harry said I lifted him on the side " just look at the embossing" she said " who's s.g.e" I said "not who what school for good and evil" she said "don't tell me you've never heard of it" she said " were is it another time another place another wold but legend has it every story starts there the school for good trans the hero's the school for evil train the villains" she said "like Captain Hook" harry said " yes like captain hook" harry said "yeah and rumour has in a long time ago captains hook daughter had hart as pure as gold but she was kidnaped and rummer has it left on this land and there also another rumour there was girl named Leanora and in she middle the night under a blood red sky she was taken rumour has  to the school at list that's what they said " she said "you mean people in the insane asylum" aggie said "nod they ever expect new students" soph said " Sophie are you serious" I said " kidding" she said laughed "well I better get home see you guys tomorrow" I said and grabbed Harrys hand 

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