chapter 8( orientation and fights)

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Rosabelle pov 

I was sitting as kiko talked looking at  my locket then aggie sat on my other side ':"hey and that new" she said looking at my glowing locket "you two know each other " kiko said "she my best friend since like forever" I said then I turned to aggie " do you know why that happing what there Sophie we can get her and go" she said and went to get up but I grabbed her arm " you'll just get pulled away I talked to her and she did" I said then dovey and red head lady came out "welcome first year students I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good."dovey said " Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers!" the side I was sitting on chants "And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil."she said "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"the Side Sophie was on chanted "As per tradition, the winning school from last year...Us again. Imagine that!Hmm. Imagine....will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents. Gentleman "dovey said and then boys came out and danced with sowrds then while dancing a boy dropped his sowrd and picked it and  looked at aggie once they were fished dancing he girls clapped and and boys threw there roses the boy that picked up his sword landed on aggie then "if you boys are finished with dance class, maybe you'd like to have a real fight what do say "ahh its tedros" kiko scremed I looked at him and he looked kinda cute but he looked like he has a big ego he looked at me and then looked back "lets make it easy on you" he said and choked his sword then he flipped over them all and banged to fight them all and till they all fell "see how you do in a real fight pretty boy" a boy said sitting on the side for for evil then a guy with one eye stood up and took an axe of the wolf the other side cheered as he sown the axe around and then seen it at tedros then tetrose took out his sword that just happens to be Excalibur and shoved it into the floor and it flung the one eyes boy back then when the boy got up his sword was on fire my eyes widened and he ran at tedros and they hit each other and as tedros it he flung back and then was kicked as he moved and the boy sown at his he managed to kick him  the sword trip him and the axe shoved the boys arm off every one one my side cheered and everyone on the other side booed "bravo bravo what a heroic display" dovey said the tedros took rose out and looked at the other Sid then chucked the rose that landed in my lap "exuse me my lady I believe" he said was about to say " I know I dint belong here and  I dont want your stupid rose anyway" I said and in my stomach that felt wrong to say but then the rose was taken from my hand "oh and by the way this is what normal girl looks like" aggie said to him I rolled my eyes " he intended it for me normal girls there was an open seat next to me " a Girl said " and for the record you dont know what I was going to say but good try" he said i rolled my eyes "what did he smell like" kiko said " ego a missive ego" I said then dovey started to talk 


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