chapter 5 (I dont known what to do anymore)

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Rosabella pov (same clothes from chapter 1)

I got upon and put my necklace on then I but my dress on and then my boots then I grabbed my bag and left not wanting to see any one 

I was walking  school when Sophie came next to me "hey soph can I I ask you something" I said "sure what's up "last night  my mum and the man were arguing and he said I was the reason harper left  and you know all I want to do is help people soph and in this town all am know for is my looks I dont like that so am leaving " I said "well were on the same thought track  because yesterday day when I went home I wrote to that school and am leaving to because my mum wants  to quit school and work at the factory to get more money " she said " what about aggie we can't just leave her" I said then aggie came over " hey" she said "hi" me and soph said " I have something to tell you ag" I was bout to say " she going to say we need to get to school" Sophie said dragging us 'we have to tell her after school soph" I said whispers 

after school 

" I hate my step  mum she making me quit school to join a the factory to get more money" Sophie said I knew were this was going ' then we shall quit too can she get us job there to" aggie said "and then what we fade into this town like everyone else no aggie my mum said I need to do something impooranth with my life something that matters so am leaving and rosa" soph said aggie looked at me " I heard the man talking saying am the reason harper left and you know how people see me as the orphaned Beaty not the girl who want to help and you know that all I have ever wanted ton do and plus am not gonna find them here aggie" I said " Rosabelle Sophie you two have never stepped for out side gavaldon I men no one has no one knows what s out there" aggie said "that the point you know nothing can ever happen of me if I stay here I can't settle for a ordinary life  I won't and I really want rosa to find her parents " Sophie said and walked off and sat anther grass i looked at aggie " am sorry about what he said rosa" she said " its okay is not juts that aggie I wanna people to see me as more then my looks but no one here ever will' I said walking over to Sophie and sat down then aggie sat in the middle of us "hey look" she said pulling the crowns she made us when we were kids out mine had flowers 

" I hate my step  mum she making me quit school to join a the factory to get more money" Sophie said I knew were this was going ' then we shall quit too can she get us job there to" aggie said "and then what we fade into this town like everyone el...

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" were did you find these I thought they were lost" I said "in my attic last week"she said 'and you have done something important Sophie becoming mine and rosa friends and rosa you have helped someone me you taught me not every think is about how you look or what people call you and plus I can't handle this place without you two " aggie said I smiled " I'll talk to your mum and and I'll tell them how unfair this is I'll call you queen Sophie of gavaldon and rosa I have always thought of you as some on who helps even when no one else dose I will even let you give me a make over Sophie" Aggie said " have I really helped  or are you just saying that" I said " I would never lie and I would be able to ignore them with out you" she said "fine I'll stay but just for you harry and Sophie" I said " fine" Sophie said "promise" aggie said " Promise" me and Sophie said "oh and rosa I need help with sorting my room out can you help" she said "of course" I said and I got up she started walking I went to follow when Sophie grabbed "are you actually gonna stay" she said "I promised aggie I would and I dont break my Promise soph" I said and went over to aggie 

but sadly only one of them would keep that promise 

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