chapter 4( that night)

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Rosabella pov (btw ^ this is her room)

I got changed into a night dress 

was sat in bed reading when I heard mum and dad arguing I snuck down stairs to hear "what is your problem carl" mum yelled ' rosabelle she my problem' he said " what has Rosabelle ever done" mum said " ever think harper left because rosabelle got ...

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was sat in bed reading when I heard mum and dad arguing I snuck down stairs to hear "what is your problem carl" mum yelled ' rosabelle she my problem' he said " what has Rosabelle ever done" mum said " ever think harper left because rosabelle got given the title the most beautiful girl in the village" dad said "that is not rosa fault harper was jealous" mum yelled  "I dont know how you convince me to take in such a brat" dad yelled " she is not a brat rosa is way more helpful then harper ever was she helps with harry she helps with the cooking she goes shopping all harper ever did was fouse on her looks" mum said " yes well at list harper was blood " dad said " then were is she " mum said " gone because of that stupid ungrateful orphan who's family never loved her and left her in the street so we would have to take that stupid brat" dad said then I knocked something over mum and dad looked at me 'am s.s.sorry I didn't mean to" I said "how much did you hear" mum said "all of it" I said " yeah well I meant all of it you selfish ungrateful brat who scared my daughter away" he said " I miss her to and I blame my self all the time but how do you know it was me" I said " because she was jealous of you and everything you had" he said " am sorry me being here upset her if I knew who my biological were I would to them but I dont and that the one thing I think about everyday" I said going upstairs "see what you did now carl" I heard mum say "not my fault she could run away if she wanted to know" he said loud so I could here as I walked to my  room then  I saw harry staring out side his door with Luke out side his " dont blame your self its" Luke was about to finish "but it is maybe it would be better if I did just leave" I said "no dont leave rosa" harry said " now I think someone heard a bit to much common bed time" I said walking him into his room while Luke followed I tucked harry in " are you rally gonna leave " harry said " no of course not buddy she loves you too much" Luke said " yeah buddy I could never leave my Special little man" I said he giggled " now sleep you have school in the morning" I said leaving with Luke "love you rosa" he said "love  you too buddy" I said closing the door and going too my room " dont pay attention to him" Luke said "but he's right" I said putting the books on my side and getting in bed " well he's not so dont listen" Luke said leaving closing the door I took my necklace off and put it on my side " why did you leave me" I said and laid down and teas slipped out my eyes 

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