chapter 6 ( trying to stop Sophie gone wrong )

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Rosabella pov 

I ended up staying with aggie that night not wanting to go home "hey aggie Sophie asked me something before I left witch Is making  me think she still gonna go" I said "why would you think that" she said "she said you aren't still  staying  are you" I said "she gonna leave come on we need to stope her" she said we left the house and found her "you were gonna leave" aggie said "aggie rosa am sorry" she said "what was that" aggie said then there was red sky "the red sky it happing" Sophie said then we saw a shadow figure "Sophie lets go"I said " do dont under stand this is what I wished for" she said then it grabbed me and Sophie "woooooo so long gavaldon" Sophie said I turned my head " are you serious you promised aggie we both did" I said then aggro got close I heard my hand out she grabbed it "aggie let go" Sophie said "no am never letting you go" aggie said then the ghost thing let us go "aggienit was happing was good thing" Sophie said I looked at her " for who Sophie we promise we would stay and it was your wish not mine" I said "you wanted to get out now gavaldon to that your ticket out to the school forngood and evil" she said I looked at her "and I could let anything bad happened too you" aggie said " yeah in know" she said  then wee and Sophie were grabbed my claws and aggie was picked up by a beak " aggie rosa this is good" Sophie said "Sophie I think you have gone crazy this is not good" I said " its your ticket out your chance to help people" she said I thought about I gusse it is and who know maybe I am from here because the pictures in my locket ages every year and it has older  brother under it so maybe " look its really" Sophie said snapping me out of my thoughts " looks its the school good" she said "and that must be the school for evil" I said then we flew under the bridge and we all screamed " aggie Rosie this is every I have ever wanted" she said " and its she right aggie its my ticket out maybe i mean I won't be know for my looks think about it I can help people" I said "well its not what I wanted and we have to get back you know my mum can't get by without me and rosa mum need her help " aggie said "am sure this thing will bring you and rosa since it wants her wish back once it drops me in the good school" Sophie said and just as I was bout to say something the claw let and I dropped and so did Agatha 

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