Ch: 11

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~~~Obi-wan Kenobi, a couple hours earlier~~~

I sat on the sofa in the apartment I shared with Nova as I took off the necklace which I kept hidden beneath my Jedi robes...a silver chain with my silver wedding ring on it. I looked at the ring, I wanted it close but not seen. I remembered the first time I'd seen neither of us could've possibly imagined it to turn out this way...

~~~Flashback, Start~~~

Waiting...we were all currently waiting on this Padawan of Master Yoda's. I was a little bit curious about her. We've never talked to each other and I've barely even seen her around the temple and when I have...she was training...constantly training. Either by herself, with Master Yoda, or with the Younglings. All I really know about her is the gossip I've heard around the Temple...most of which I didn't really trust.

She then bursted into the room, the metal doors making a loud noise as they opened and closed back together. I watched as she walked with such grace towards the center of the room. Her dark brown hair laid in a messy bun atop her head, slightly bobbing up and down as she walked. The only part of her hair that was left down was her Padawan braid as it laid across her right shoulder. I haven't seen anyone with such beauty since....

"Greetings, Padawan Amidala. Alright, are you?" Master Yoda spoke as she entered the room, snapping me from my thoughts.

"I am fine, am I interrupting something, Masters?" Her angelic voice softly spoke out in question against the Jedi Masters.

"No, not at all." Master Windu informed her. "We were just waiting for you." I watched as her somewhat stiff appearance had slackened after he informed her.

"Help with a mission, you will." Master Yoda told his Padawan.

"What mission?" She slowly asked of them, as if not knowing what was going on...which she very well might not know.

"It appears that Naboo has been blockaded." Master Windu told her.

Her demeanor instantly changed as she stiffened back up, I could sense as her emotions somewhat conveyed her thoughts. She seemed scared, afraid almost... I watched as Master Yoda looked at his Padawan, somewhat in worry...though he didn't voice such...nobody on the council questioned her about this.

"Blockaded Naboo, the Trade Federation has." Master Yoda went on as if everything was perfectly in order.

"You know Naboo better than anyone else of the Temple, not to mention that your sister is the Queen of Naboo." Another Jedi Master had spoken to her, Master Shaak Ti. "You would be perfect to help out Qui-Gon and Obi-wan."

Her sister is Naboo's Queen...but that just made me wonder... How did she know her sister...? Sure I've heard stories around the Temple that she was brought in and trained even though she seemed too old to start her training. But surely those are just stories...right...? I questioned myself. The Jedi council would never let in someone they assumed to be too old.... That would just lead to a bunch of unknowable future problems.

"You are to negotiate with the Trade Federation in order to get them to remove the blockade." Master Windu informed the girl. He seemed to speak to all three of us as he said, "Do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

"Right, Masters." Qui-Gon told the council. "You can count on us."

~~~Flashback, End~~~

How I never imagined us to act upon our feelings...even if I'd done so before.... I then remembered my ex, Satine of Mandalore. I had fallen for her when I was a Padawan, before I'd met Nova. Qui-Gon and I were on an extended mission, for a whole year, as we tried to protect Satine from a group of bounty hunters who wanted her life. In that immensely dangerous time...the two of us had fallen in love...a fleeting love as I had to go back to the Order with Qui-Gon once the mission was over. It was hard to let her go...and just when I'd managed to let go of her...I meet Nova...a brave and powerful, by her own right, girl...and I'd fallen in love once more.

However...this time...I couldn't seem to just let Nova go as I had to with Satine. That had hurt...and it wasn't something I thought I could put myself through again. That was probably the reason why I waited so long to confess my feelings to Nova...and now.... I looked at my wedding ring. I don't think I could possibly live without her.

She is the very air I need to breathe, take that away...and I'm suffocating.

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