The Copper Sun

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The copper sun loses it's edge. It shines, doesn't burn. Lays clear for the chosen and damned to see. See, what shall never have been. It looms above a sea of desolation.

Reaching up to the horizon, shadows develop, descend, disappear. Alive. Smoke swirls. And the complex music pandemonium rages on. Familiar... It's noise, soothing noise, a haunting melody, yet not; a percussion complex beyond my limits of cohesion.

The copper fades, and the effervescent coalesces.

Meaning has lost its essence as eternity drowns in the void. For this is beyond. The true beyond. Or maybe, the place I ought to be, in the lost beyond. It is as dreams. Dreams... or memory? What swims shall fly. What dies, shall be reborn. What is, is, but a fraction of what really is.

And what lights up with darkness, shall be marked. By the Eternals. A forgiving touch of acknowledgement, for most.

But I?

They have identified me. They rejoice in colours. And they shall come for me, for me.

The ignorant me had been marked.

But he had also sinned, having dared to throw it away.

He is here, witnessing all this. Dread sweeping him past. Such a sweet realisation: what he's become. Becoming. Letting me rise once again. And so am I- grateful. I shall help, as one.

Destiny is malleable. The copper suggests.

And having lost its edge, the sun shall crash.

And the void envelop.

Gain and loss, cease to matter.

For Purpose, to be attained-

Regress to nothingness.

Because, what good is purpose, if you seek it your entire life, and never come close to attaining it? There is no meaning. Maybe there never was. Or maybe nobody expected anyone to find it. We are all just a part of this madness. Worshipping in vain.

Die, to be reborn.

Or simply, break the cycle.

There need not be a tomorrow.

There need not be a tomorrow

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