Chapter Three

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"Liar, I mean, aren't we all, right?"

When MB first started texting me, I never thought I'd be able to live a normal life again.

Lie after lie after lie.

It's like asking, "Is it acceptable to murder a murder?

"As your mouth opens and you speak, are you certain that they will tell the right lies, if not the perfect lies?

"At first, it was always about telling the truth, but now that I'm 19 years old, it's all about telling lies.

"As I was leaving Noah's house, I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned around, no one was there. I just thought that MB might have been behind me and that I would finally figure out what was going on...

I was relieved when Noah and his girlfriend saw me and said, "You guys scared the crap out of me." As Noah went to hug her, he said, "I'm sorry, darling."

She simply wondered, "Why is this game of lying so difficult to win?"

On the park bend, MB wrote, "it's not easy to win with me, darling-MB."

Eva went back to the boy's house and lied down because she was so terrified once more. She thought to herself, "What does she/he/it want?

I need responses.


She saw her mother standing in the doorway as she went downstairs and asked, "Mom, what are you doing here?

Her response, "what I'm doing here is none of your business," made her mother laugh, and she began to leave the parlor without thinking about her daughter or anything else except what she had come to get.

"I hope you're happy that I'm gone! " read the letter that was on the desk.

Presently you'll have Eva all to yourself-Love generally, Your Dead Spouse "how is it that he could be sending me this she pondered he is dead?

"He must've written it off when he was alive knowing that you were going to kill him," Eva glanced at her and grinned. "For the last time, I did not kill your father! " Eva's mother furiously stared straight at her.

Eva looked at the door, furious as ever, as she stormed out without saying a word.

As her mother left, Eva turned to the door and yelled, "lies, lies, that's all you ever do is tell me lies, and I'm sick of it. I'm glad you're leaving because there is no way that I want you in my life any more. You can keep the money. I can work without your help!"!

"Mommy dearest is not happy with you but again she is a liar so what difference does it make?" read the letter as she marched into the guest bedroom. "So I was furious as ever was."

You never know what mommy dearest is keeping from you.

The dream with the initials MB occurred as she lay down to sleep, but this time she saw a face or a shadow of a face...

When she woke up in the middle of the night yelling for one of the boys coming in, she thought to herself that Lewis was seeing her, and she was so terrified that she was crying down her face.

On the bed, he sat next to her and inquired, "What's wrong, darling?

"I think I know who's sending me those messages and I'm so afraid to tell anyone! " She raised her head in terror.

"She and Lewis went downstairs to sit down and watch television with a glass of warm milk when they heard a nose coming through the garage. Using a bat and knife to protect themselves, they went to see what it was...

Lewis's former and current partner (he is secretly cheating with his current partner with his new partner Randy)..

"Jesus Randy, you terrified us to death!

Lewis said, panicked...

Noah stood there in disdain as they all went upstairs, asking, "Why is Randy here?

Lewis kissed Nolan in front of Randy, "HOW CULD YOU DO THIS AFTER THREE YEARS OF DATING? You know him and I never got along."

"Well pretty simple sweetie you see your a little too controlling towards me grabbing my arm like I'm a little kid as if you were abusing me and I let it go in for two years before I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!," Nolan said with a straight face.

I will never be harmed again by you!

I have had enough of this lying game!

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