Chapter Twenty-One

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When Eva saw Lewis and another man as the day turned to night and she was walking to the coffee shop, she wondered, "Could he be thee ex-boyfriend or just another friend?

"Someone sat next to her in a black trench coat with their face covered and voice masquerading in that tape recorder while she was considering Lewis with another guy.

This mysterious figure played the tape back and said, "If you want to know who I am you better not look again in the sense of me not being who you think I am someone that you never got along with, I'm someone that wanted to be the best at everything but my wife took it from me...

The mysterious person dropped the recorder as the cafe closed, and Eva picked it up and played it straight.


She was unable to focus on it because it sounded so familiar It started at..

The girl's voice was simple, soft, but sinister...


Before the situation got any worse, she needed to know the truth...

Before someone else gets roped into "It's" madness, MB had to figure out who that final person was.

She was still out there..



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