chapter 1 - a load of shit

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everything is a load of shit.
that's what i've come to, my mind has come to.
my thought process is basically just:
"oh, what a load of shit."
nice, isn't it?
we always ask ourselves questions.
why do we do that?
see, there i've just done it.
i god stop thinking my head hurts.
shut up.
shut up!

my name is brooklyn blood.
(i prefer the name brooke)
i hate my second name, it seems so edgy.
trust, i am not that girl. i stick to myself and keep quiet, wait that sounds like the definition of edgy. i promise i'm not, i don't have dark black hair or a sad face plastered on me 24/7.
i have red hair, the nice type of red hair.
i was bullied all throughout my primary years,
and i like the colour dark red, like my hair.
i don't really like saying what i think, what's on my mind etc.
right now i'm in class, P4, science.
don't get me wrong i like my science teacher but i don't understand science.
it just makes no sense to me.
maisie and her girls pushed me in the hallways.
they laugh.
everyone laughs.
everyone's a dickhead.
fuck them!
what a gang of bastards, sometimes i ask myself why i put up with this shit but honestly i have no answer to satisfy myself with.
i speak to mr jonson about it, about what the girls do to me, about what they say. he tells me i should stand up for myself and not take that "abuse". is it abuse?
abuse is where you get battered.
i've been battered twice but, who's bothered?
schools a load of shit.

"brooky... brooke? brooklyn?! can you answer me when i ask a question?" my mum calls out to me. she mutters "gosh" under her breath, she thinks i can't hear her.

"yes mum? what do you want an answer for?"
i say with a bit of frustration but i try not to get annoyed at her.

"i said, what do you want for tea tonight? chicken curry and rice or a pasta dish?"

"ooo, hard choice mum. pasta dish of course though," i lick my lips dramatically.
pasta dishes are my favourite.
my favourite meal has got to be:
salt and pepper beef strips with mixed peppers and pasta.
very tasty, i agree.

"i knew the answer before i even asked! did you have a good day today at school?" mum why are u asking me!!!

"yeah, sure, it was okay i guess. nothing happened so don't ask."

"okay good, if anything did happen you can always talk to me you know, schools a load of shit so." she shrugs and smiles.

i laugh "trust me, i know that."

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