chapter 5 - 2 more problems

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fall asleep.
rest your eyes.

25.12.21 - christmas!!!
what's bad about christmas?
having a dad who lives miles away.
now if we had a contest on whose dad was worse or the most shittest, i'd win for sure!
he got me an art set for christmas.
i don't like art.
i told him and he had a go at me for being so ungrateful and how i should consider myself lucky for him still making an effort.
who says that to their kid?
a shit dad. that's who.
he ruined christmas for me.

everything was okay i guess until:

14.02.22 - i found out jack was dead.
at first i had no reaction. i didn't. i didn't know what to say or do or what to think. my best friend killed himself? how? why?
he seemed so happy.
he was my comfort.
now he's gone.
his death ruined me. i refused to go to school for 2 weeks.
i refused to talk to anyone.
i refused to come out my room.
until one day, my mum explained to me that there's no way in earth i could've known what he felt or thought unless he told me, which he didn't.
i miss him lots but i'm doing better now.
he didn't leave a note.
he was 14, died 12.02.22.

it makes me think.
what was he thinking.
it's strange to think about how one persons death can have such a massive impact on you.
he was only a kid.
i was only a kid.
i still am.
i act like i'm not though.
why did he have to disappear.
maybe he's happy now, maybe it's for the best.

rest easy jack :)
suicide hotlines:
samaritans - 116 123
papyrus - 0800 068 41 41
childline - 0800 1111
SOS silence of suicide - 0300 1020 505

shout crisis line - text SHOUT to 85258
young minds - text YM to 85258

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