chapter 4 - anything more

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let's talk about the next problems to come after me after the whole gay incident.

05.11.21 - my first fight.
i lost.
got battered.
basically, stood up for myself to maisie and got jumped after school.
teachers had to stop it.
i had a bruised rib and a black eye at most.
maybe a bloody nose?

a fucking joke if you ask me.

24.11.21 - my second fight.
maisie's girls were still mad at me because the teachers found out they jumped me.
don't know how on earth that's my fault but oh well, whose bothered.
got battered.
jack came.
battered the girls.
got walked home with a massive bruise on my head.

"what time do you call this missy?! why on earth is my 13 year old going out at 11 o'clock at night??? answer me now!" mum shouted when i got home.

"i'm really sorry mum."

"no don't start me with sorry! why have you got a massive bruise on your head..? oh my good god brooke. WHY ARE YOU SUCH HARD WORK?" she screamed.

"i'm so sorry."

"i'm so disappointed in you brooke.
go up to your room now. your grounded.
give me your phone and get upstairs now."

why can't i be good for something?

"here," i handed her my broken phone and stepped upstairs slowly. "i am sorry mum."

"i don't want to hear it."

i really was sorry that night.
mum didn't talk about it since then.
she didn't want to know.

13.12.21 - jacks birthday.
jack didn't like celebrating his birthday.
dont care though.
i'll always get him something for his birthday even if it's some crappy homemade card or a dented box of chocolates that have been in my bag for days with half the chocolates missing because i got hungry on the way to school.
he doesn't care what i get him though, he was made up when i got him a 99p card from my corner shop and a lynx set with some toothpaste as a joke present.
one of our inside jokes was his teeth.
he had these perfect teeth, but we always joked that they were nasty and yellow and he has missing teeth. doesn't seem funny when i say it now but it makes me giggle thinking about the times we laughed until our stomachs hurt.
we went to the cinema for his birthday and watched some new film that was so bad we walked out half way through the movie!
what was bad about this you ask?
we got banned from the odeon.

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