chapter 6 - the big plan

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wash your hands.
germs stick.
you don't want hands covered in bacteria do you?

you must be reading this thinking i'm so stupid for creating this big plan but i have finally come to the conclusion that my life does not matter and me being gone out of everyone's lives would be a lot lot better.
you probably are thinking this is stupid but i don't care anymore.
i hate myself.
i hate the life i'm living.
so why not go start over?
genius arent i?

the date of the big plan: 07.05.22

• hairbrush
• 2 spare sets of clothes
• money (£90 - from birthday)
• headphones
• snacks
• mr floppy (my teddy bunny that i've had since i was little, yes i know i'm 13)
• 2L bottle of water
• spare set of underwear and bra

now, for my big plan outfit i will be wearing something warm, i know it's may but it's still chilly.
black fluffy leggings, black trainers, white tee, checkered shirt and my beanie.

i wrote a note to my mother, i feel bad for leaving her but i can't stand to be me anymore.

the note to my mother:

dear mum,
i am truly sorry to leave you but i must.
my life needs to start over.
i can't stand to live like me anymore, i hate being me, i hate me.
i have left you £20 inside the envelope, treat yourself to that lovely dress you wanted in the shops the other day.
i want you to understand that i really, truly don't like my life anymore. i need a fresh start.
i don't want you to come looking for me.
i will write to you every day that goes by.
i love you and i hope you can understand why i am doing what i'm doing.
most importantly, DONT CALL THE POLICE!!!
goodbye and stay safe mum.
-brooky blood x

now your definitely thinking:
how on earth is she going to survive out there alone? she has no place to go and only has £90!
how's her life going to start over?
right here's your answer:
i have been researching.
there is a shelter.
now you see, i live in Manchester.
this shelter is in Leeds.
how am i getting there you ask?
train and bus!
i'm not that stupid you know!!!

the big plan (final):
- leave the note on the downstairs table in the lounge.
- leave the house at 11pm (MAKE SURE TO BRING BAG OF ESSENTIALS)
- jump on the train.
- train stops at Bradford.
- jump in the bus.
- bus stops at Leeds.
- walk to the shelter using google maps.
- stay there for a few weeks.
- get a job (this will be extremely hard to do since i'm 13 but i know some shops that will allow me to work there).
- save money up.
- find someone that will let me live with them.
- go to a new school in Leeds.
- live a happy life with my new family and new everything!!!
i pray for this to actually work!

i have lots of hope in my heart that this will work. i've wrote the big plan down on some paper (i made a copy). i will leave the copy under my pillow and make sure to not forget it when i'm leaving.

you definitely think this is stupid but i don't care, i deserve a new happy life.

goodbye x

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