chapter 7 - missing person report

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*melinda green - brookes' mum*

Today is a normal day, I'm staring at the ceiling. Sometimes I don't want to get up, I'm so tired, i feel ill.
It's another pointless Monday.
The time is 06:23, I better wake up Brooky.
God, that girl cannot for her life of her, wake herself up.
She's been acting weird lately. I wonder if she's giving me the silent treatment.
I don't exactly care anyway, I do, but i won't show it.
My lovely warm slippers, ah, how nice.
I'm walking down the hallway and honestly, I should crack on and paint these walls. They've gone a horrible grey colour, oh how nasty!
Brooke isn't in her bed, good for her!
First time in ever her bed is made and her room is tidy and clean. Things seem to be missing though, oh well, she's up!
Dirty clothes line along the stairs going down.
I feel like shouting but they're my clothes.
I walk past, blocking them out of my sight.

"Brooke! Have you had some toast love?"

I don't get a reply.

"Brookyyyy! Baby where are you? It's early and i'm not in the mood."

She isn't anywhere to be seen. I look all over the house for her, running up and down like a madwoman. She isn't here?
That's when i look to the table and see an envelope with the name mum x written on it. A splash of ink marks the corner of the paper.
I take it out and read.

My stomach knots and my heart sinks as I just stand there in shock, I don't know what to do, what do I do? When i finally pick up the courage to phone someone, I call the police.
Immediately as I read the words:
I felt sick.

"999, what's your emergency?" A tired young woman yawns to me.

"Hi, yes, uhhh, I would like to file a missing persons report.. for my daughter." I choke on my own words, my voice starts to break.

"Of course, I'm really sorry to hear that, can i has her details please." she tries to sound not - rude, but i can tell she's fed up.

I proceed to give her information about Brooke. Where is she? Why has she gone? She's only 13 for christ sakes!
You've failed as a mother.
I tell myself over and over again.
Once the operator hung up, I started calling everyone i knew.

"Dan, she's missing for christ sakes!!! Are you sure you haven't seen or heard from her recently?" i shout down the phone, why did i ever have a child with this fucker?

"No, stop shouting, it's early! I'm sure she'll be home soon. I don't blame her for leaving."

What a dick!!!

"What is that even supposed to mean you twat!
Fuck off Dan, thanks for helping."
I hang up the phone.
I angrily punch in the number for my mother.

"Mum! Hey, have you seen or heard from Brooklyn recently? I've reported her missing, she left a note saying she's leaving and I don't know what to do.."
My mum turned 83 last month, her and Brooky were close.

"Oh dear, I'm so so sorry but i have not seen Brooke or heard from her since my birthday! I'm sure she'll turn up, don't you worry my love."

My heart hurts and my eyes are working hard to stay open.
A tear rolls down my cheek.
a few hours later i have called nearly everyone who knew Brooklyn. Nobody has seen or heard from her within the past 3 weeks.
For now i must wait.

* 3 hours go by. by now it's 12:41*
My head turns quickly as I hear pounding on the front door.
I open it, my best hopes wishing it were Brooklyn.

"Hello, Miss Green, My name is PO Luke and this is my partner PO James. May we come in for a quick chat, following up on your recent missing persons claim?" He sounds so formal, I nod my head and they come in.
I show them to the living room and show them to the couch, they sit down opposite me.

"So, Miss Green.." I stop him mid sentence.

"Please, Melinda." I correct him.

"My apologies, so Melinda, when did you last see..." he pauses and looks in this giant book, "Brooklyn Blood?"

My voice quivers, "Last night, Im sorry, but haven't i already answered questions on the phone to that young girl?"

"Well, yes, we just need to have a better understanding of what's actually happened here." his partner, PO James, butts in.
I say "sure" but not loudly.

"Have you ever neglected Brooklyn? Anything you may have said or done something that would lead to her taking off?"
The absolute cheek! What a dick head.

"No! I would never intentionally hurt my daughter or say anything that would lead to her wanting to run away from her only home she's ever known." I say sternly.
My heart longs for an answer that will tell me why Brooke has run away, but i don't seem to get one, I just sit waiting. Waiting. Nothing.

"Okay... So, we've had a little look at your past incidents involving the Police. It says here, you were put in juvie aged 17? For drink driving?"
He looks at me with a smug look on his face.
God I wish I could just go over to him and slap the attitude out of him.
What a bell end.

"Right, what has my past got to do with Brooke's life? I have never hurt or tried to upset my baby. I think it time for you both to leave, your asking me questions that have no involvement whatsoever with Brooklyn being missing!" I try to stay as calm as I can but my anger seems to always get the best of me.
I need to join an anger management group.
Brooky has been telling me that for years, oh how we used to laugh and eat buckets of ice cream on the couch while watching Tipping Point!

Soon the officers gather all their notes about my past life and leave. I slam the door after them. Probably shouldn't of done that but hey ho!

I wait, hours go by, I sit waiting at that table.
staring at the note she left me.
I feel my eyes slowly close.
My mind wanders some place else.
I soon close my eyes fully, and drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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