chapter four

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The next day, Master Pakku, Naia's father, and Yue all met in the palace. Naia's father was not happy with Naia for arranging a meeting on his behalf, but Naia didn't care. All she wanted was for Katara to be able to learn how to water bend.

As a princess, Naia wanted to finally use her title for good. Usually, the word "princess" meant someone of noble birth, who would be pampered and cared for more than anybody else in the tribe. Naia hated that. To her, a princess should be one who helps others and uses her title for good. To advocate for those who have no voice.

Katara pleaded her case, with Aang alongside her, nodding at everything she was saying. Aang apparently was kicked out of Master Pakku's class because Master Pakku caught the two of them practicing water bending at night. Naia closely watched Master Pakku and her father's reactions. The meeting didn't seem to be working in Katara's favor.

"So what do you want me to do?" Naia's father asked. "You want me to force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?"

"Yes," Katara said forcefully. She lightly sighed to calm herself down. "Please."

"I suspect he might change his mind if you swallow your pride and apologize to him," Naia's father advised.

Master Pakku had a sinister grin on his face. Katara looked back at Aang and clenched her fist. "Fine."

"I'm waiting little girl," Master Pakku taunted. Naia was beyond mad. Her father was chief of the tribe, and he still refused to use his political power for good. This is where Naia and her father had the most disagreement. Naia wanted equal opportunity for all women, while her father wanted to uphold the patriarchal traditions of the tribe. It was also the reason why Yue was to be a much better leader, because she rarely questioned her father's word.

"No," Katara said. She waved a finger in his face. "No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you!" She threw her arms back. A crack grew in the ice, causing a nearby pot of water to shatter.

"Uh, Katara?" Aang asked weakly.

"I'll be outside if you're man enough to fight me," Katara threatened. She turned on her heel and stalked outside. Naia and Yue exchanged looks. Naia was thoroughly entertained, while Yue had a more concerned look. Naia has never seen a girl disrespect a man like that in her entire life. She would never admit it aloud, but she liked seeing it.

Aang nervously laughed. "I don't think she meant that," He attempted to smooth things over.

Sokka crossed his arms over his chest. "Uh, yeah, I think she did."

The two boys followed Katara out of the palace. Naia looked towards Yue again, who looked unsure of what to do. Naia grabbed her wrist and practically pulled her out of her seat. The two girls rushed outside, along with everyone else in the room.

"What are you doing?" Yue whispered.

"Going to go watch the fight," Naia said excitedly. "What do you think I'm doing?"

When they emerged from the palace, Katara was standing at the foot of the staircase, with her fists clenched. She had shed her parka, which Sokka was holding. Master Pakku walked nonchalantly down the stairs.

"So, you decided to show up?" Katara taunted. Master Pakku didn't even look back at her. "Aren't you gonna fight?"

"Go back to the healing huts with the women, where you belong," Master Pakku sneered, walking straight past Katara.

Naia could see that Katara's face grew redder by the second. Katara clenched her teeth and hit him with a water whip. Naia and Yue gasped. The slap must have been loud, considering how clearly they heard it despite standing further away. Naia's hand flew up to her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Master Pakku stopped dead in his tracks. He turned back around slowly. "Fine. You want to learn to fight so bad? Study closely."

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