chapter nine

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"You're late," Master Jun said in an unhappy tone. Naia watched as he turned around, holding two swords in his hand.

"It's dawn," Naia said, quickly glancing over at the sky. The sun was barely peaking over the horizon. Certainly she couldn't be late.

Master Jun raised his eyebrows. "It's two minutes past dawn."

Naia bowed out of respect. "I apologize, Master Jun."

The old man sighed. "Alright, let's get started," He said. Suddenly, Master Jun tossed the wooden sword with full force at Naia. Her reflexes kicked in and she instinctively caught it. Master Jun's lips twirled into the beginnings of a smile. "Good. Your posture is wrong. Too...proper. You're sword fighting, not walking with a book on your head," He said. Naia pursed her lips. She wasn't aware of how proper her posture was. It must have been because she is a princess.

Master Jun tapped the wooden sword in between Naia's calves, and she took that as a cue to widen her stance. He then tapped the back of her knees, and she took that as a cue to bend them slightly. Naia got a better grip on the sword and held it up.

"The sword is a little heavy," Naia said, trying to get used to feeling of it in her hand.

Master Jun raised an eyebrow at her. "Just as it should be. It will make you stronger. Now, you need to grip the handle light but not too light. You're sword is an extension of your arm, treat us as such."

Naia held out the sword and loosened her grip. Master Jun suddenly swung at her. She quickly jumped backwards. "Ah, you have fast reflexes. That's good. Now, try to dodge my hits and strike when when you think I'm in a vulnerable spot."

The two started to practice fighting, Master Jun lunging at her and almost hitting her every other second. Although he was an older man, Master Jun was still quite nimble and quick on his feet. She clearly underestimated him. Naia paid close attention to his stance, trying to predict where he would strike next. He got her a few times, where she would frown and try to escape. She barely had enough time to get back into formation before he would strike again. Naia tried the few times to strike him, but Master Jun always blocked it before being on the offense again. It was like she was stepping in circles, just trying avoid his sword.

Naia saw his sword come dangerously close to her waist, so she jumped out of the way. This caused her to lose her balance and fall. "Up!" Master Jun commanded. Naia tried to ignore the negative thoughts starting to plague her mind. She quickly got to her feet and the two resumed.

"You fight like a water tribe warrior," Master Jun commented, still lunging at her. "Too much push and pull. See how I have you running in circles? Stand your ground."

Naia took his advice and planted her feet in the ground. She started to be on offense, blocking his hits and every so slightly starting to inch her blade closer to him. Master Jun smirked. "You have the right idea. But you need to attack. Be confident and use your sword with one hand unless otherwise needed."

Naia clenched her teeth and lunged at him, to which he effortlessly stepped out of the way and tapped his sword on her upper back. "You're dead," He said. Naia tried once more, this time his sword tapped her stomach. "Dead," He said again. Naia flipped over her shoulder and tried lunging once more, but Master Jun leaned backwards and tapped the middle of her neck. "Very dead."

She started to get frustrated. Master Jun must have known that Naia has held or used a sword before, let alone fight with one. For the next hour or two, he refused to go easy on her. Naia started to feel the beads of sweat form on her forehead. She constantly was being tapped by his sword, a reminder that if this were a real battle, she'd be dead. Naia started to get frustrated and Master Jun could tell. The two fought some more.

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