chapter thirty five

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Naia realized that Zuko's teaching methods were quite similar to Toph's. Katara was gentle and uplifting, while Zuko had a tendency to holler at Aang. Naia sat down on the front steps outside of the Ember Island villa with a book in hand. She's read through nearly all of the books Sokka bought her a few weeks ago. She laid her head in Sokka's lap as she read.

"You could take a break from reading," Sokka suggested.

Naia scoffed. "That's like asking me to stop breathing."

"We're supposed to be relaxing and watching Aang practice fire bending," Sokka protested.

"I am relaxing," Naia shot back. The two blinked at one another before Naia giggled and started reading her book again.

"Who wants a glass of watermelon juice?" She heard Katara call.

"Me!" Aang shouted. Zuko held him by the back of his shirt.

"Your lesson is not over yet! Get back here!" He barked.

"Zuko, you're going too hard on him," Naia said, finally putting her book down. She accepted the glass of watermelon juice from Katara. "Just let the poor guy have a break."

"Fine," Zuko sighed. He let go of Aang, who scurried over to Katara and started slurping down some watermelon juice.

"If you guys want to be lazy and sit around all day, be my guest," Zuko grumbled.

"Zuko you're going to have a heart attack by the time you're thirty the way you worry so much," Naia joked. Zuko gave her a side eye.

"He's right," Sokka said. "Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. But I know what can change that..." Sokka stood up. "Beach party!"

Everyone took up Sokka's idea to go to the beach. Naia changed into a white colored bathing suit with thin straps. She dove head first into the waves and began to use her water bending to surf. The one thing Naia loved about the Fire Nation was that the water was so warm. She could jump in at any hour of the day and not be afraid she was going to freeze to death.

Naia waded out of the water and saw that Sokka was working hard on some kind of large sandcastle. Suki was laying out on a towel and tanning. Naia decided to join her with her own towel.

" is everything with you and Koa?" Naia asked.

Suki's face immediately dropped. She awkwardly laughed. "What do you mean?" She played dumb.

"Come on, I know you have a thing for him," Naia prodded.

Suki blushed. "Is is that obvious?" The two girls looked to Koa, who was tossing some kind of ball back and forth with Aang. Naia noticed how Suki's eyes lingered on Koa's biceps.

Naia turned back to Suki. "A little."

Suki sighed. "I don't know what to do. He's just so attractive that every time I'm around him, I just want to grab his face and kiss him."

"You should tell him that," Naia suggested.

"Don't be ridiculous," Suki scoffed. Her face dropped again and she looked towards Naia. " you think it would work?"

"I mean you don't have to say exactly that," Naia said. "But you should tell him your feelings. I have a suspicion that he feels the exact same as you do.

"What if he doesn't like me?" Suki asked nervously.

"Why wouldn't he like you? You're super hot and you're a Kyoshi warrior," Naia complimented.

"Are we about to kiss right now?" Suki joked. The two girls stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Voila!" Naia heard Sokka shout. She stood up and walked towards Sokka's sand sculpture. It was...something. It had seaweed for hair, a starfish as a nose, and shells lined up in an upward curve for a mouth.

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