chapter twenty

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Naia used her waterbending to dry her and Sokka from the rain before they entered the house. It was dark and quiet, as most of the group most likely went to bed already. The two wanted to giggle, but constantly shushed each other. It was almost midnight, with the moonlight being only thing illuminating the house. Since Naia's eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet, she followed the faint silhouette of Sokka. She gently placed her hand in Sokka's as he led her down the small hallway.

He turned around in front of the door that led to his room. Sokka leaned down and kissed Naia again. Naia ran her hands through his hair, her stomach felt like it was doing backflips.

She could barely believe something she's been dreaming of for weeks actually came true. All those times she thought of Sokka during their time apart were not in vain. It felt nice to have everything out in the open. It was like Naia took a leap of faith of a cliff, but instead of falling, she spread her wings and soared.

Naia slightly lost her balance and stumbled backwards, her back lightly hitting the wall with a small thud. Her lips were still connected to Sokka's, as if nothing could break them apart. She pulled away and shushed Sokka, placing her finger against his lips. She suddenly realized how little space was between them. "I don't want to wake the rest of the group," Naia whispered with a smile.

"We won't," Sokka whispered back, his breath fanning the side of her neck. It sent shivers down Naia's spine. She kissed him for a little while longer. Naia could've kissed Sokka forever. However, she thought of how awkward it would be if one person in the rest of the group stumbled outside and caught them. Naia pulled away again.

"What are we going to tell them?" Naia asked, ruffling the back of his hair. "I mean...should we tell them yet?"

"It might be best to keep it a secret for now until we find a good time to tell them," Sokka said.

Naia nodded. "That's what I was thinking too. You know, after we find Appa and everything."

"But...they don't have to know what we do when we're alone," Sokka said mischievously.

Naia smirked back at him, looking up into his eyes. "You're right, they don't."

The two kissed again for a little while longer before going to their separate bedrooms. Naia sat against her door and pinched her hand again. Her heart rate hasn't settled just yet. The last thing she expected to come out of tonight was for her to reveal her feelings. She started to feel a little worried. She didn't want whatever her and Sokka felt for each other to change the group dynamic. She told herself that she would tell them in time, but not immediately.

The next morning the gang decided to draw some pictures of Appa to place them all over the city. Although Aang seemed to be doing better, Naia could tell he was hurting inside. She believed that to Aang, Appa was more than just a beloved pet. It was a companion that he grew up with, and one of the only things Aang had left from his life as an air nomad. She thought it was amazing how Aang handled the adversities in his life with optimism and positivity.

Katara burst through the front door. "We found a printer to make out posters!" She stated cheerfully.

"Great," Naia said, releasing the black pencil from her hand and stretching it out. "My hand is starting to hurt."

It's been a few days of healing and Naia's wrist was finally not broken anymore. However, it still felt a little weak from not using it for a few days. At least she did have to keep it bandaged up anymore.

"Hey, I thought designing the posters was our job," Sokka complained. "I've been working all day on my Appa."

"The arrow is on Appa's head," Aang frowned.

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