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I have gotten told that i write pretty well so i thought i'd give it a go. Sorry for my English! I'm a Dane so I'm not fully developed in the English language yet. This i a romance/fan fiction kind of story hope you like it.

It was summer and it was warm. My dad took me to London the day after my graduation. I was 18 and starting my 'real' education. We had been in London for a few weeks looking for a place for me too study. I was exited to leave home. But England was so far away from Denmark. It was so new. And everyone spoke English. And British. Oh how cute those British 'lads' were. Wait.. where was i? Oh yaar right. I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to be THE actress. The one that everybody looked up to. And everybody having respect for me. And i wanted privacy. More than anything else! I didn't really want to be famous. I know it sounds weird, an average teenage girl who didn't want to be famous? But I wanted my privacy.

"Miss?" A voice suddenly brook my thoughts apart and handed me the green tea i had ordered.

"Thanks!" i said smiling at the waitress.

"No prob" she said as she turned her back to me and walked up to the bar.

I took a sip of my tea before returning to the sites with university's at my iPad. I needed to find a good uni within 3 weeks. AND i needed to get in. I scrolled through the site of a drama school i was considering. My dad were of talking to some principals at some different university's and i've had the whole day too myself. It was still a bit scary too be in a whole other city than my home town, Copenhagen, therefore i once every five minutes looked up to see if i was being killed by a cerialkiller. I know it was stupid. If there was a cerialkiller i would hear the screams, but because i got scared so easily i needed to make sure. After about the fifth sip of my tea i looked up and something particually gorgeous got my attention. I guy around my age was looking at me with his beautyfull green eyes. I smiled and then blushed. I was not use to getting any boys attention. Or talking to them for that mattered. I had never had a boyfriend. Maybe it was the lack of self esteem. I looked down in my lap where my hands were placed and started peeling off my nail polish. It was a thing i did when i was nervous.

"Excuse me?" a cute British boy accent said. I looked up and on the other side off my tabled the gorgeous guy had placed hiss butt and was looking at me. I smiled.

"And with what can i help you with?..." i began in a very fake and bad British accent.

I laughed at myself and the guy had a grin on he's face.

"Wanna hear something funny?" he said.

"Sure" i nodded. You now it coulden't hurt to be polite and well, he was very cute. He placed he's hand under his chin. God even his hands were beautyfull.

"I have been watching you for the past 5 minutes..." he began. Oh god, maybe he's the cerialkiller. Of course! It all make sense. He can attract people with his good looks and then BAM, killed. "...And then i noticed you drifting of into dreamland. What where you thinking about?".

"I don't see the funny?" i chuckled teasing him a bit.

"Maybe i only said that to get your attention" He smiled.

"So, what were you thinking about?" he asked again.

"I just met you?" I said.

"So?" his voice was as perfect as his face.

"I'm not going to let you into my brain. WE JUST MET" i repeated. He Chuckled at my stubbornness.

"Its not funny" i said pulling a weird face and he laughed. Oh a perfect sound, an angels work

of art.

"Hi I'm..." he got interrupted by my very loud phone. As me i got a big chock and jumped a little bit in my chair. When i was done chocking i took my phone and answered it.

"hey sweetheart, whats up? everything going okay?" my dad asked.

"yep, I'm just sitting at a café.... Going for dinner? sure! Where? All right, i will be there in 20. Bye" i Hung up the phone. He was just sitting there. I got up and started packing my stuff down my rater ugly bag.

"I'm so sorry. I gotta go" I said blushing for the inconvenience.

"Bye" i said starting to walk out the door.

"You're not going to give me your number?" he asked. I clenched my hand and said in the sweetest tone possible

"Sorry, no. You're still a stranger to me. I don't even know your name". I ran out the little café and started running up the little street the café was placed on.

"It's Finn" He was walked out of the café and yelled after me. I put my thumb in the air and then he was out of sight.

What a guy wants (Jack and Finn Harries Fanfic) ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now