Chapter Three - Princess

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Aj wakes up almost next to the toilet. Must've been a pretty bad night. All she can remember is the bartender flirting with her while handing her shots. Everything else is kind of a blur. She thinks she may have dreamed the whole thing with Dean spanking her and ripping off each other's clothes. 

"Ughhh. Do you have any aspirin?" She asks walking out of the bathroom and laying on Dean's bed. 

"Mhm. yeah." He didn't sleep any last night. He is thinking Aj doesn't remember anything. He prefers to leave it that way.  He doesn't want her to remember running away scared. He is hoping she would open up about why she was scared. He walks over to his bag and hands her some aspirin while collecting his gym clothes. "I'm going to the gym. Try and rest." He says awkwardly before walking to the bathroom. 

"Dean." She comes knocking on the door after swallowing her medicine with some water from the water bottle on the nightstand. "Dean." She knocks again since he didn't answer. "Did I do something wrong?" She asks. Once he is dressed fully he opens the door. He sits on the closed toilet tying his shoes while she speaks. "Please talk to me. I don't know what I did." 

"It's fine princess. Nothing happened." He kissed her forehead before walking past her and out the door. 

She stands still in the doorway of the bathroom sadly. She looked down at her feet trying to remember. She finally just pulls out her phone. 

Hey, can we talk? I can meet you in your hotel room.

Yeah. Room 534. 

She throws on her favorite comic book character shirt: The Amazing Spiderman. She walks out the door and gets into the elevator. She presses the five-button and waits. 


"I don't know he's just acting really weird with me. Do you know if I said anything?" 

"I remember you and him walked away together so I don't know what was said between you two since you know you left me to drink alone." He smiles trying to play off his jealousy. 

"I don't even remember having a conversation with him." 

"I mean you were kind of slurring your words." 

"SETH!" I punch him in the arm. 

"It's true. So I have an important question for you." He stares at her with his deep brown eyes concentrated on her lips. 

"Hit me." She jumps on the bed next to him. He barely moves with how little she is. He doesn't want to scoot over as their arms slightly touch one another sending chills up his arm and down his back. 

"Are you still with Punk? I mean I know he quit the company. He had a lot to say when he left and you weren't far behind him." 

"Ummm.." She pauses wondering how much to say. 

"You don't have to tell me if it's too much." 

"No it's just I really don't know the best way to explain it without you guys worrying." she pushes her lips together hiding them. 


"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Aj says pulling out her phone, and showing him the Caller ID. "Hello?" She answers coldly while standing up and walking away so Seth can't hear what he says. 

"Please come home." He slurs. 

"I can't. I won't" 

"Aj I need you." As she is about to speak back she turns and bolts into the hallway so Seth can't even hear her replies. 

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