Chapter Five - I'm Sorry

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"Hey." She stands on the outside of the elevator doors.

"You going somewhere?" Roman asks from inside the elevator.

"I am leaving for Las Vegas early." She coldly says getting into the elevator. "I just would like to get there early and clear my head."

"We're you saying bye to Seth?" He asks because even if they used Shemus's room, Seth's room was still on the same floor.

"Uh yeah." She tries to shy away from his question.

"Well, I'll ride down with you." He fakes a smile.


"Would you be willing to drop me off at the airport? You can grab Paige." They sit outside the hotel on a bench.

"I'll call her." He pulls out his phone and presses 'My Little Crumpet' from his emergency contacts.

"Hello?" She answers after two rings.

"Hey baby girl, do you want to come with me and Aj? I am going to just drop her off at the airport."

"I feel kind of sick but I'll go." She hangs up and rushes outside of the hotel.  "Hello." She hugs Aj.

"Hey." She stands up forming into her squeeze.

"Let's go."

Paige fully understood her needs and wants. She had only been friends with her right before Punk came along but she was the one who understood her the most. She told Paige about her darkest times but she also didn't ask many questions. She knew some things could be a very sore subject for Aj. When Aj is cornered by so many questions she tends to shut down.

They step into the car with Roman the only one in the front seat. Paige knows AJ might need someone to talk to. But she doesn't speak a word instead she balls up with her head on her knees. The seatbelt is almost cutting into her hips but the pain and regret is the only things she can think about right now.

She would never force Aj to talk but she is growing concerned with every passing second.

She begins to sob into her knees quietly. Paige notices the mood change and pulls Aj's head over onto her lap. "It's okay." She pets her hair. "Everything is going to be okay."


They arrive at the airport in roughly 30 minutes. Aj jumps out of Paige's lap and throws open the door, grabbing her suitcase and trying to make it into the airport.

"Aj." A deep voice says grabbing her arm.

"Please just let me go."

"I just have to tell you this. Dean is not a bad guy. I know he didn't mean to say what he said. He was probably just nervous... You make him nervous." Roman sighs quickly babbling on. "Could you tell me what's wrong? If Paige isn't going to ask I am."

"She doesn't ask because she knows I don't want to say."

"Could you just give me a hint?"

"I'm sorry I can't." She yanks her arm out of his grasp and walks into the airport.

Paige climbs over the console and into the front seat as Roman gets back into the car.

"Do you know what's wrong?" He asks rubbing his temple.


"Do you even care?" He questions.

"How could you even ask me that?!" She puts a little fire behind her tone.

"I mean if my best friend was crying the first thing I would ask would be 'What's wrong?'."

"You don't know Aj like I do."

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