Chapter Thirteen - Twins?

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"You ready?" The cameraman asks her and Renee. She nods her head in sync with her. "Action." 

"So Aj wasn't Seth supposed to be the one who won your heart?" 

"Renee I am not completely evil." She chuckles. 

"So you are with Dean now?" 

"He is laid up in a hospital bed. Speaking of which I am just about to go visit him." She skips away. 

"Well, there is our answer folks. Now coming up Dolph Ziggler vs. The miz." 


Dean sits in his locker room staring at the ground as Seth walks in. "Dude are you everywhere or something?" 

"Yep. pretty much." Seth laughs as he grabs his jacket from his locker. 

"Why would you let her kiss you?" He questions looking up from the floor. 

"I kissed me. I was a little drunk, sad, and lonely. She didn't kiss back at all. It was boring and then you walked up." He owns up to his fault. 

"you let me just blame her?" He stands up and grabs him by the shirt, slinging him into the lockers. 

"It's really not my fault you didn't let her explain." He pulls himself from his grasp and walks out of the room. 

He angrily punches the wall breaking through it. 


5 and a half weeks later 

Dean was so scared to talk to her after the whole blowing up on her situation.  "Dean I would really like to talk to you. Please it's really important." 

"Yeah. We can go out for a drink after I get done with my match." 

"No. can we just get like a bit to eat?" 

"yeah." He awkwardly stands there as she walks away. 


They sit at the table quietly waiting for their food. 

As the food gets there Aj scarfs it down aggressively. 

"You should slow down, you might choke." 

"If I can take your dick, I can handle a handful of fries." He laughs thinking she is being funny but she just stares blankly back at him. 

"I'm sorry so what would you like to talk about." 

"I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions that we never really got into." 

"I know Seth kissed. I am so sorry I didn't listen to you." 

"Are you still mad at me though?" 

"No. Now I'm just mad at myself. I feel like I don't deserve you." 

"Dean I love you." 

"I love you. You can ask your questions." 

"If we got back together. which these are hypothetical questions." 

"Okay." He smiles. 

"Would you want marriage in the future?" 



"depends on the animal." 



"I'm pregnant." She blurts out.

"Um, what?" 

"I'm pregnant?" She says like it's almost a question. 

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