"Are we all ready?" Clarke looked at the six of them, each of them nodding or confirming in one way or another.
Finn slipped a flower in between Octavia's ear and hair, smiling at her as he caught back up to Violet.
She walked with her hands in the pockets of her overalls next to Finn, lost in her thoughts, Octavia, Monty, and Jasper behind them."Now that, my friend, is game." Jasper failed to whisper, looking at Octavia.
"That my friend, is poison sumac." Monty told her, pointing to the flower.
"What! It is?" Octavia pulled the flower out of her hair, wiping her hands on her jeans."The flowers aren't poisonous, medicinal, calming, actually." Monty explained.
Octavia shot him a bewildered expression.
"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the Ark." Jasper did the favor of explaining Monty's reasoning for his weird plant facts."Guys, come on! Try to keep up." Clarke stopped, looking at the five others.
"Come on Clarke? How do you block all this out?"
"It's simple, you haven't noticed that we haven't seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none, maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us! Sure is pretty though, come on."
"Someone should slip her some poison sumac." Octavia whispered, as Finn snorted and laughed, the five of them running back up to Clarke.
"I gotta know what you two did to get busted." Finn looked at Monty and Jasper.
"Sumacs not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean." Monty laughed.
"Someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper coughed, looking at Monty.
"Someone's, apologized, like, a thousand times." Monty reminded him."How about you Octavia, what'd they get you for?"
"Being born."
"Hey! Come on." Clarke whispered, waving her hand to them.
Clarke crouched down as Violet caught up to her.
"Look!" She whispered.
Violet kneeled down, looking at what was in front of the bushes.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's a deer."
"No animals, huh?" Finn smiled.
"You've never seen the old nature photos on the Ark?"
"What nature photos?" Violet whispered.
"In Hydro station?"
"In what?" She made the 'what' in her sentence louder and exaggerated.
The deer turned its head, exposing a bloody second face as Violet gasped, falling backwards and catching herself with her hands, the others cringing or doing their best to hide their fear."Come on, let's keep going." Clarke exhaled, leading the group again.
They continued walking, following the map.
"Hey! Look!" Violet leaned over, picking up a stick."Name him Sticky, I approve." Jasper nodded.
"Nice stick." Octavia rolled her eyes.
"No, that's not what I mean-" She started, being cut off by Clarke.
"It's a stick, Violet come on!" Clarke groaned.
Violet sighed, shoving the stick in the back pocket of her jeans."Hey, you wanna know what I want to know? Why send us down today after 97 years? What changed?"
Finn put his hands in the air, shrugging at his own question.
"Who cares? I'm just glad they did, I woke up rotting in a cell and, now, I'm spinning in a forest!" Octavia smiled, dancing around a tree.
"Try spending four years in a cell." Violet sighed, kicking the dirt under her feet.
"Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or something." Monty pondered."It wasn't a satellite, the Ark is dying."
The group turned around, facing Clarke as Violet froze.
"At the current population, they have 3 months left of life support, maybe four now that we're gone." Clarke spoke quietly, her face pale and her eyes staring at her shoes.
"So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they locked you up in solitary, and floated your old man?" Finn questioned her."My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw, he thought the people had the right to know, the council disagreed, my mother disagreed, they were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public anyway when Wells-"
"What? Turned in your dad?" Finn finished her sentence for her.
"Anyway, the guards showed up before we could, that's why today, it was worth the risk, even if we all die we bought them time."
"They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Monty asked worriedly.
Clarke didn't respond."Good! After what they did to me I say float them all." Octavia walked ahead of them, a smile on her face.
"You don't mean that." Jasper sighed, catching up to Octavia."Clarke, we have to warn them!"
"That's what my father said." She sighed, turning around and walking back around, bumping into Jasper."Jasper? What the hell?" Clarke sighed, shoving past him.
"Oh man, I love earth." Jasper smiled.
"Woah."A few meters ahead of him, Octavia had pulled off her jeans and shoes, walking a little higher on some rocks.
"Octavia, what the hell are you doing!" Clarke shouted, running up the light hill.
She turned towards the group and smiled.
She jumped into the water, making a splash as the group ran over."Octavia, we can't swim." Monty told her.
"No, but we can stand." She stood up, the water only being up to her hip area as she laughed.
Violet stood at the front of the group, admiring the water.
"Violet, wanna swim?" Octavia smiled.
Violet nodded, pulling her boots off, and starting to unbutton her overalls."Wait, this makes no sense, there's not supposed to be a river here." Clarke questioned, looking at the map.
"Well, there is, so take off your damn clothes." Finn laughed.
Violet finished taking her overalls off, in a pair of black skintight shorts and a long sleeve shirt.
She hesitated for a second, as she looked at Octavia.
"I'll catch you I promise."
Violet backed up, starting to jump.
"No!" Clarke grabbed onto her shirt, pulling her back as she fell on her knees, scraping them."There's not supposed to be a river here, don't you get what that means?"
"That things change?" Violet rolled her eyes.
"That we can swim?" Jasper answered, pulling his jacket off, as he watched something move behind Octavia, "Octavia! Get out of the water!"She turned, seeing something coming towards her.
"OCTAVIA, GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!"Violet froze, watching the commotion.
Whatever was in the water, latched onto Octavia, dragging her away from the group, as she screamed."OCTAVIA!"
"No!" Jasper yelled.They all stood in silence for a few seconds, watching the water, as she resurfaced, screaming.
"What the hell is that?" Monty asked.
"We have to help her!"
"What are you gonna do?" Monty asked.
"Try not to die." He responded, pulling his jacket off.
"No! Wait!"
"If we distract it, it might leave her alone! Help me move this!" Clarke, Monty and Finn started pushing rocks into the water, hoping to distract the creature.Violet ran over, helping them push a massive rock over the edge, as she threw smaller, lighter ones in the water creating smaller splashes.
"It worked!" The splashing distracted whatever creature was in the water, as it left Octavia.
"Octavia! Get to the shore now!" Jasper yelled, jumping in after her.
"It's headed back for you guys!" Finn yelled, running towards them.
"Come on, come on! Keep moving!" Jasper encouraged, pulling her as she made her way to the shore, gasping for air.Clarke grabbed Jaspers shirt ripping the fabric, and tying in around Octavia's leg as a temporary tourniquet.
"You'll be okay."
"Note to self, save the girl." Monty laughed, patting his friends shoulder.
"Nice save, Jasper." Violet nodded, sitting down next to him.

Running Through the Darkness (A 100 Fanfic)
FanfictionViolet, a seven year old girl finds herself down on Earth with 99 other delinquents, as everything that could go wrong seems to start going wrong- she fights.