"Is that Atom?" Violet tugged Finn's hand, watching as Octavia pulled a blanket off of his face.
Finn jumped, looking down, "Scared the crap out of me. Acid fog killed him."
"How long was I asleep?"
"Ten hours, give or take."
"What happened?"
"He got caught in the acid fog, we found him when it was already too late."
"Im sorry, I was-"
"Violet, you don't have to apologize for falling asleep, you went three days without sleep to help us, the least I could do was carry you long enough to let you sleep."
"I still feel bad."
"Don't. Earths been putting you through hell and back, and you've been strong through all of it. You're strong Violet."
She nodded.
"Come on, let's look at the stars for a bit and talk."
They went out into the forest, finding the same high tree as the other night, climbing up together.Violet sat next to him, studying the sky, as she pointed her finger towards a bright light. "Look! It's Raven!"
Finn nodded, wrapping his arm around her, pointing out other constellations and stars for a few minutes."Come on, let's go check on the others." Finn patted her back.

Running Through the Darkness (A 100 Fanfic)
FanfictionViolet, a seven year old girl finds herself down on Earth with 99 other delinquents, as everything that could go wrong seems to start going wrong- she fights.