Twist in Time

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Emma's POV:

I rush forward onto my knees as Wade leans against me with a groan.

Russell: "You sacrificed yourself for me."

Wade: "Told you we cared about you."

Wade and I turn as we notice the bear Cable keeps with him starts to clean itself.

Wade: "Hey, the bear. It worked."

Cable holds the bear in his hand but seems to regret how things turned out for us.

Wade: *to Russell* "Because of you."

Colossus: "No, Wade. Because of you."

Wade: "I guess my heart was finally in the right place. That riddle is so fucked up. Just don't anyone leave me. I don't wanna die without an audience.

Papa, can you hear me?

Papa, can you find me in the night?

Wade: "Domino, I want you to have my Adventure Time watch.-*to Negasonic*-Sabrina the Teenage Witch, It has been a pleasure-*to Colossus*-Chrome Bone, I haven't always been the best friend to you. But you've always been that to me & Emma. So, I need you to promise me you'll protect her and our daughter."

Colossus: "You have my word, friend."

Wade: "Say 'fuck' for me. Just once. We'll do it together. No big deal. One two, three."

Colossus: "Fuck."

Wade: "Wow, enjoy hell, Swamp Mouth..-*to Cable*-Cable, promise me one thing. You go back to your family, tell 'em Wade says hi. And judge people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Guys, for a second there, we made a pretty good team. Just have a few final words I always wanted to say. Woodpecker, gingivitis, codswallop. Do you wanna build a snowman?"

I let out a small laugh as Wade looks me in the eye.

Wade: "Emma, I'm so sorry. I-*groans*-I really wanted to raise this family with you. But if I can save someone else's-"*coughs*

Me: "Shh, shh, I know, I get it. You did good. Nessie'd be real proud of you right now. Just like me, and our daughter."

Wade: "Can I ask you something?"

Me: "Anything."

Wade: "What's her name? Like, her full name. I know you wanted Nicole, but what about the middle name?"

I bite my lip as I try to give a small smile.

Me: "Nicole Cher Vanessa Wilson."

Wade lets out a small chuckle as he gently tucks a strand of hair away my face.

Wade: "I love you, Maple Leaf."

Me: "Right back at you, Captain Deadpool."

Wade gently lifts his head to pull me into a loving kiss before I feel his hand fall into his lap.

Cable: "I'm sorry."

Me: "Don't be. He wanted to save your family, and that's what he did."

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