Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

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3rd pov

Hiccup and Toothless flew through some of the fog, flew up into the air, and dives down. They dodged the sea stacks (Or whatever they're called). "Okay bud, let's try the new move." Hiccup suggested. Toothless dived down before fly straight up to the sky, passing some clouds. "Yeah, baby! That's it Toothless! Push it! You've got it! Climb higher!" Hiccup shouted in excitement and encouragement as Toothless flew higher and higher. Then Hiccup's harness can off and he fell off. "What the-- Oh, no, not again! Uh, hey, Toothless!" Hiccup exclaimed. Toothless turned around and dived down, following Hiccup.

Hiccup turned his head to his dragon. "Hey." Hiccup said, like as if this was a daily thing. Toothless lets outa some growl, saying hey back. "So just plummet or, uh... any ideas?" Hiccup asks. Toothless flew down, ahead of Hiccup, and caught him. "I seriously have to get my own pair of wings." Hiccup stated. Toothless grumbles. "Oh, quiet, you. Don't even start." Hiccup said and went back to Berk, not noticing a giant metal owl following them.

(When they arrive)

"This is Berk. This is Berk too. And so is this. And this also." Narrator Hiccup said as Hiccup and Toothless flew all around Berk. "Yeah, it's been three whole years since the war with the Berserkers. And Berk has changed a lot. But then again, so have we." Narrator Hiccup added, and flew into Berk.

"Snotlout works at the armory now. Gobber gave him the title of ' Official Weapons Tester'." N.H. said as it shows Snotlout got into a catapult, and it launched him into the air. "Ha ha ha! It works!" Snoutlout laughed as he flew pass Hiccup and Toothless.

"The twins, to absolutely no one's surprise, have decided to dedicate their lives to Loki--" It shows the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, pushing a cart that was filled to the brim with sharp weapons. "Uh, Hookfang! Hookfang!" Snotlout called out as he got closer and closer to the cart. Then Hookfang, a Monstrous Nightmare, swooped in and saved him. "...the God of pranks. Lucky us." N.H. said and sighed. "You just have to cut it that close, don't you?" Snotlout questioned, angrily. Hooking tossed him in the air making Snotlout land on the saddle on Hookfang. "There will be repercussions for this." Snotlout said, scolding the twins, and flew off with Hookfang. The twins just laughed and high-fived.

"And then there's Fishlegs, who has really found his calling, teaching the children of Berk the history of dragons. (Screw children)" Narrator Hiccup said. It shows Fishlegs leading the children to the Great Hall as they were all on Meatlug's, the Gronkle, back. "And if you look closely at the walls of the Great Hall, you'll still see the puncture marks where the Speed Stingers attacked. Interesting fact about these dragons-- Oh! Oh, look, kids! We're in luck. Here comes two of Berk's most famous heroes." Fishlegs said, gesturing to Gobber, and the chief of Berk/Hiccup's father, Stoic. "Ho-ho! Heroes? I've got some chiefing to do, but I guess I could spare a moment-" "Hiccup and the amazing Toothless!" Fishlegs announced, interrupting Stoic. And the both of them just flew in, above his father, Gobber, Fishlegs, Meatlug, and the kids. The kids started cheering. "-eh, to introduce my son and his Night Fury. Hahaha! Hooray..." Stoic said, changing his words. The both of them flew off as the kids continued to cheer.


Hiccup and Toothless were back to flying in the archipelago. Then they saw that Astrid, Hiccup's girlfriend, was flying next to them on Stormfly, the Deadly Nadder. "Hey, there you are." Hiccup said. "Hiccup, I've been chasing you since the armory." Astrid said. "Well, I thought we'd try out the far north today." Hiccup informed. "Uh, can we talk about something first?" Astrid requested. "Yeah, sure, if you can catch me." Hiccup said and went ahead, with Stormfly following behind.

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