Eye of the Beholder, Part 2

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3rd pov

"Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?" Dagur asks out loud, like he was an announcer for a sport. Hiccup and Toothless turns the other way, to where his friends are. "Hmm. Disappointing, but oh, so typically Hiccup." Dagur said.

(Time-skip and with Dagur, and you sent Odette to get the Dragon Eye)

"Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this." Dagur said, fascinated by the cylinder-thing. "Me, neither. What do you suppose it is?" Savage asks. "Don't ask ridiculous questions, Savage! Just know this-- it's mine now, all mine!" Dagur said, then laughed. "Now, what exactly is it that you do? Tell Dagur, now. That's it. Don't be afraid. Tell Dagur." Dagur said, talking to the cylinder.

Meanwhile, Savage saw something in the fog coming this way. "Uh, Dagur." Savage said, pointing in the direction of where the Minicon owl is coming from. "Uuh! What now?! Another stupid question?!" Dagur asked loudly, raising the cylinder, ready to hit Savage with it. "More of an observation." Savage corrected.

The sound of an owl cry was heard from behind Dagur. He turned around, only to have the cylinder-thing snatched from his hand. He looked back at the creature, thinking that it was Hiccup and Toothless, but was proven wrong at the sight of a big metal owl. It then flew away with them, with the cylinder-thing in one of its talons. Dagur lets out a scream of frustration, and his two men started shooting arrows at the metal Eurasian Eagle Owl, but they only bounced off of her metal plating.

Dagur threw one of his men overboard in anger. He glared at the other one and the guy threw himself off. "See what you did? You distracted me. And now my pretty, cylindrical, mysterious object is gone. Stolen by some big, dumb, metal bird!" Dagur shouted, scolded Savage.

(Back with the gang)

"He's gone." Hiccup said. "We can probably get that thing back." Ruffnut said. "Oh, yeah? How? It's not like it's just gonna drip from the sky and land in Hiccup's hand." Snotlout said.

Then the cylinder-thing dropped in Hiccup's hand. They looked up to see a metal owl flying above them, before it dives down, passing them, heading for the water. "After it!" Hiccup said as he and Toothless dived down after Athena.

When the three of them hit the water, while Odette was swimming in the water the same speed she was when she was flying, getting farther and farther away from them, into the black abyss in the sea. Hiccup and Toothless were losing air and went back up to the surface.

"Lost it." Hiccup said. "Never seen an Owl like that before." Fishlegs said. "It probably might be a dragon in the shape of an Owl, but bigger! And with metal feathers. A Dragowl!" Tuffnut said. They flew back to Berk as Tuffnut continued to come up with more names to call Odette, not knowing that they were being followed.


Gobber is straining as he is having a difficult time trying to open the cylinder-thing. "Have you ever seen anything like this Dragon Eye before?" Hiccup asks. "Dragon Eye? How do you know if it's called a Dragon Eye?" Tuffnut asks. "... Because I named it." Hiccup stated. "Whoa, whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?" Snotlout questions. "Fine. All in favor, say 'Dragon Eye'." Hiccup said. Everyone said 'Dragon Eye' and raised their hands. "... Just wanted to make sure we voted." Snotlout said.

While that was happening, Gobber continued to have zero progress on getting the Dragon Eye open. "Can you open it, Gobber? Astrid asks. "Haha! Can I open it? I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha!" Gobber laughed. "I think it's going to be-" Gobber said, before he stopped as a dart shot out of it and hit Tuffnut. "Ugh. What is that? It looks like a-" Tuffnut said, then fell to the ground, unconscious. Ruffnut laughed. "Well, that was... something, maybe." Gobber said, then went back to opening it. "Gobber, maybe you shouldn't-" "Trust me. What I'm-" Gobber said, interrupting Hiccup, but then stopped as green grass came out of it. Tuffnut was now conscious, not knowing about the gas. "It's all right, it's okay. I got hit with something, but now-- No, scratch that." Tuffnut said, then accidentally breathe in the gas, and fell to the ground, shaking. "Yeah, I think we should probably go get Gothi." Hiccup said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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