chapter 6

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Welcome to chapter 6!

Start of recap...

"Beware. Beware!" Says face 5 but they continue to walk on Hoggle wasn't bothered by the faces and ehat they were saying.

"Soon it will be too late." Says face 6

Hoggle grumbles "Yah. Don't pay any attention to them. They're just false alarms. You get a lot of them in the labyrinth. Especially when you're on the right track." He says to the two humans behind him and continues walking.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

"Oh no you're not." Says another face making Hoggle turn around and yell "Shut up!" At it, making Y/N look at Sarah 'are we going the right way' they think to themselves.

"I'm sorry..just doing my job." Hoggle rolls his eyes and continues arguing with the face which is the second weirdest thing y/N has seen in this labyrinth.

"Well you don't have to do it to us." Says the Grumpy Dwarf. The three continue to wlak through the dark hallway. As they do the faces speak again it was the last one for now. "Beware, for the--" Face 8 was cut of by Hoggle.

The dwarf just wanted to get out of there safely. "Just forget it." Yelled the dwarf the Face Begged Hoggle to let him.

"Oh please. I haven't said it for such a long time." Face 8 says Y/N and Sarah watch on in amusement Hoggle arguing with a stone face.

"Oh all right. But don't expect a big reaction." Says the Dwarf rolling his eyes. "No no no, of course not." Says the face as it clears his throat. "For the path you will take will lead to certain destruction!" He says Y/N thinks it it was a cartoon lightningand thunder would appear.

"Thank you very much." He says as Y/N and Sarah laugh at Hoggles face they then began leaving as he finishes speaking a crystal is rolling down the path past the three. Y/N looks at it before their eyes wide.

They recognise it from Their parents room when Jareth was offering Sarah a gift. "Oh no" they whisper

Sarah and Hoggle agreed with them.


"Oh, no."

The three follow the crystal as it rolls along and hops into a cup being held by what appears to look and sound like an old woman. Y/N looks at the 'old woman' they didn't think anyone would choose to be down there with them.

"Ah, what have we here?" Says the old woman holding the cup.

Hoggles eyes widen "Ah, nothing." He says

The old woman became angry at his words. "Nothing? Nothing?" she yells, the woman stands and takes off the costume, revealing Jareth. Y/N and Sarah gasp at the Goblin King.

"Nothing, tra-la-la." Says the King looking at Y/N who looks back at him not intimidated by him.

Hoggle Bows to Jareth. "Your majesty. What a nice surprise." He says his voice quivering.

Jarwth smiles at the dwarf "Hello Hedgewart." He says gettikg Hoggles name wrong.

Sarah chimes in with another name whuxh was also wrong "Hogwart." She says.

"Hoggle." Says Y/N and Hoggle making the dwarf nof his head at the perosn at least they git his name right. "Thank you" he says making Jareth abd Sarah look at them.

Jarwth then looks away and looks at Hoggle. " Hoggle, can it be that you're helping this girl and her sibling" he says making Hoggle gulp nervously.

"Helping? In what sense?" He says scared of Jarwth.

Jarwth looks at the dwzrf like he had a second head. "In the sense that you're leading them towards the castle." Says the King.

Hoggles eyes widen. "No, no, I was taking them back to the beginning your majesty" saysbthe dwarg lying to the King.

"What?" Exclaimed Y/N and Sarah both shocked they should they were going to the castle. " i told them, I was gonna help 'em solve the labyrinth. A little trickery on my part. But, but actually--" he says but is then cut of by Jareth.

The Goblin King looks at the plastic bracelet around Hoggles wrist. "What is that plastic thing 'round your wrist?" He asks

Hoggle looks at his wrist and pretends to only jsut notice the bracelet, Y/N looks at Jareth who has an unimpressed look on his face. "oh this! Oh my goodness, where did this come from?" Exclaimed Hoggle.

Jareth rolls his eyes at the Dwarf l. "Higgle--" "-Hoggle." Cuts in Hoggle.

Jareth almost rolls his eyes. "--yes. If I thought for one second taht you were betraying me, I'd be forced to suspend you headfirst in the Bog of Eternal Stench" Says the King as Hoggles eyes widen in horror as he speaks of the Bog of eternal stench.

The Dwarf then latches onto Jareths legs and holds on as he yells "No your majesty! Not the Eternal Stench!" As Jareth smirks at the Dwarf.

"Oh yes, Hoggle!" He says a mean glint in his eyes 'which are different colours' that Y/N had noticed. The King then turned to Sarah and Y/N.

"And you two, Sarah. Y/n. How are you enjoying my labyrinth?" He asks the two siblings. He looks at Y/N the perosn looks at him "it's okay your majesty" they say making Jarwth raise an elegent Eyebrow at them.

This made Y/N blush and look away making the King laugh at the blush they had. He then looks at Sarah and Sarah looks at the man Confidently "It's a piece of cake." She says.

Y/N and Hoggle groan "Sarah" whispers Y/N, Jarwth ignores The Dwarf and Person groans of annoyance as he looks at Sarah. "Really? Then how about upping the stakes? Hmm?" He says and a clock appears and he motions for it to move spin forward, shortening her deadline.

Y/Ns and Sarahs eyes widen in horror as their time shortens. "Crap!" Whisper yells Y/Ns, they don't have that long to reach Toby.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 1020

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