Chapter 9

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The image is what I think Y/N wears throughout the book and what they wear for the hallucination.

Or you can imagine what you wear instead.

Welcome to chapter 9!

Start of recap...

Y/N smiles "I wanted to" they said pulling Sarah under their arm and in for a hug, Sarah hugs back.

"gracez" Says the Hat.

Y/N smiles at the Hat and the trio walk away Y/N arm still wrapped around Sarah. "you didn't have to give him that, he didn't tell nothing" Says the dwarf as the walk.

THE HAT: well well then, there go a couple of suckers.....

He notices the wiseman is still asleep, and he has nothing to do

"...oh, it's so stimulating being your head"

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Leaving the wiseman and his hat behind. Y/N, Sarah and hoggle make their way through the maze, traveling through every corner and opening they come across.

Hoggle who was walking beside Sarah remember remembering their chat with the wiseman. "why did you say that, about my being your friend?" He asks her making both humans look down.

Sarah continues walking but answers the Dwarf. "Because you are, you may not be much of a friend, but you're the only friend we've got in this place..." she teails off as they all hear a noise from the other side of the bush.

Sarah stops and looks at Y/N. "did you hear something?" She asks them, slowly Y/N nods their head, Y/N being the taller of the two begins trying to look over the maze trying to figure out where it came from.

Hoggle ignores sarah and thinks about what she said. "hmm, "friend," i like that. i ain't never been no ones friend before..." he mumbles to himself, Y/N,hears and and feels sad for the dwarf.

Suddenly, Hoggle, Sarah and Y/N all hear a loud monsterous roar not too far away, Sarah jumps back and Y/N wraps a protective arm around their Sister.

Eyes searching for the beast.
Hoggle gets scared by the noise. "aahhh, goodbye..." he says and runs off, Sarah chases after him with her sibling running behind her. The girl soon catches up to him. "ait a minute" she yells and holds him down.

Y/N comes to a stop behind her, there head looking left ans right before walking closer. Hoggle riggles around "Keep the stuff" he yells thinking she was not going to give him the jewels if he left.

Sarah holds him still "are you my friend or not?" She yells desperate for him not to leave. Y/N stands ready for him to make a run for it.

Hoggle shakes his head. "no, no i'm not, hoggle ain't no ones friend, he can look out for himself, like everyone" somehow he releases himself from sarah's grasp
" hoggle is hoggle's friend" he yells before he uns off again.

Sarah and Y/N watches as he leaves. "Hoggle!! you coward!!" Exclaims Sarah as Y/N sighs "there goes our only way out of this place" they say before they hear the loud noise again.

Sarah once again holds onto Y/N while Y/N looks around then trying to find the source of thr yell. Sarah still holding Y/Ns arms whispers to herself. "well i'm not afraid, things aren't always what they seem in this place" she says.

The two then leave where they were and finally make it to where the noise is coming from, the two poke theirheads from the arch way, they witnesses little goblins attacking a giant goblin.

Y/N gasps, they hate seekng creatures hurt. They look around for something to throw at them. "if only i had something to throw..." they mumble as Sarah watches.

Then a rock rolls right up to them, the H/C person notices the rock and picks it up, when they threw it, it hit the helmet one of the goblins were wearing and spun it around so the goblin couldn't see anything.

Another rock rolled to them again, and again, they picked it up and threw it, hitting another goblin's helmet, and the same thing happened to that goblin as the other one.

Sarah laughs at when she realised waht her sibling was doing to them, the smaller Goblinscouldn't see anything, so when they were attacking, they were missing their target and actually attacking each other.

They kept battling back and forth til they were out of the scene, as this was happening Sarah makes her way toward the giant goblin, who was hanging upside down by a rope.

Y/N is behind her throwing more rocks to keep them away from Sarah, once they were gone Y/N walk over to their sister. The crewture was scared because thought sarah was a bad person as she was trying to help him, he was trying his hardest to back away.

Sarah glares at him. "now stop that!" the giant goblin stops and for once is quiet still upside down, Y/N watches as she speaks to him.

Sarah is still glaring while lecturering the goblin "is that anyway to treat someone who is trying to help you? don't you want me to help you down?" Says the brown hired girl.

"Ludo, down" Says the creature making Y/N surprised, he can talk their eyes widened. Sarah is also surprised "Ludo? is that your name?" She asks him LUDO nods.

Y/N watches as Sarahs face becomes gentle as what looks at Ludo. "oh, you seem like such a nice beast, well i certainly hope you are what you seem to be" As ahe says this she lpoks for a way to get ludo down, Ludo struggles to hang on.

"just hang on, i'll get you down" Sarah reassures him. "I found it" comes Y/Ns voice they are on the othwr side of the tree.

They pull tjr rope which then unties the rope on a branch. " just a second" they says, they then get the rope untied and ludo makes a hard fall. Y/N winces "oops sorry Ludo" the say before walking back infront of the tree.

"oh i'm sorry...ludo, are you hurt?" Asks Sarah, but Ludo only looks at the two humans. "friend?" He asked innocently even Y/N heart melts at the sight.

Sarah smiles at Ludo. "hat's right ludo, i'm sarah" she says, Ludo looks at Y/N. "I'm Y/N, Sarah's sibling" they say making Ludo smiles at them.

"sarah...Y/N..." he says then tries to get up, Y/N and Sarah try and help him once he is finally up. "sarah....Y/N...sarah friends" he makes his way towards thw two humans.

Sarah takes a step back from ludo, sk Y/N questions him. " i wanna ask you something ludo.." they speak making Ludo look up at them "what?"

Y/N smiles hopefully at him. "We have to get to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, do you know the way?" They ask, Ludo thinks. "" he says after a couple seconds.

Sarahs sighs dejected. "you don't know either huh?" She says to him, Ludo shakes his head " no"

Sarah looks around her at the maze. " i wonder if anyone knows how to get through this labyrinth" she says, Y/N,ruffles her hair.

"Don't worry Sarah we will find a way out of here and we will save Toby" Says Y/N sounding positive.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 1263

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