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Zoe is watching her son, Jack, play with her daughter, Evie, and her nephew, Nico while she grabs a few beers. Her brother, Jack, is watching the grill while Mia sets a table. Arms snake around Zoe's waist, causing her to sigh at the comfort coming from the arms.
"You okay?" Brian asks as he places a kiss to Zoe's cheek.
"Yeah," Zoe answers with a nod and smile. "Just thinking about the past."
"Like what?" Brian asks with a raised eyebrow. Zoe goes to answer but is interrupted by a phone going off.
"Dad!" Evie yells from outside with a giggle. "Come play!"
"Go! I'll find the phone," Zoe says with a slight giggle before going to find the phone. Brian walks outside with the beers while Mia walks inside. "Mia, it's your phone."

"Hello?" Mia asks confused once she answers the phone.
"Mia, it's Dom," Dom says once she answers the phone before Mia puts it on speaker. "I need a favor." Mia and Zoe look at each other concerned.

The next day, Zoe pulls up in a blue Jeep, in front of Dom's house where he is leaning against his car.
"You know, I would love to see my nephew just a little bit more often," Mia says as she gets out of the Jeep with a smile. "Than, say, world-ending emergencies and holidays, once in a while, maybe."
"Okay," Dom says with a smile as they hug before he and Zoe hug as well. "And how's the Buster and Jack?"
"He's good," Mia says with a nod while Zoe says, "He's really good."
"You know, now that I'm a father," Dom says as he leans back against his car. "I can't stop thinking about our dads. And, uh... What life would have been like if they were alive."
"We'd be very different people, don't you think?" Zoe asks him with a small smile and a nod of understanding. Dom looks down with a frown, causing Mia to look at him confused.
"Dom, what's happened?" Mia asks him worriedly.
"Something I hope I'm wrong about," Dom answers her with a sigh before taking a moment to look back at his sister. "I'll let you both know when I know more."

Zoe smiles as she watches Brian and her brother build a pillow and blanket fort for their movie night while she and Mia fix a pizza and popcorn. Mia's phone goes off, causing the moms to share a look before walking outside after asking Brian to watch the food.
"Hello," Mia says as she answers her phone while putting it on speaker.
"Mia, it's Letty," Letty says with a sigh.
"Letty, what's happened?" Zoe asks concerned as she wraps her arms around herself out of worry.
"The past has came back to haunt us once again," Letty answers her as she shakes her head. "Jakob's alive and the cause of the current situation."
"Say no more," Mia says with a determined look on her face. "Just tell me where to meet you. Zoe and I will be on the next flight out." Letty tells them where to meet at before Mia and Zoe go explain the situation to Brian and Jack.
"I got the kids under control if all three of you want to go," Brian says as he wraps a comforting arm around Zoe.
"Thank you, Brian," Jack says with a thankful nod before the three go to get ready to leave and say goodbye to their kids.


"Pretty impressive driving out there," Dom says as Letty walks out of the armory with a couple of hand guns in her hands while Dom works on a shot gun. "You miss the old life."
"Do you?" Letty asks as Dom cocks the shot gun.
"Every day," Dom answers her with a nod, causing Letty to smile.
"Guys. We got a little company," Tej says as he walks down the stairs, causing Dom and Letty to look at him while Zoe, Jack, and Mia follow him down the stairs. "Think you know these people."
"It's so good to see you," Letty says as she pulls Zoe into a hug.
"I missed you," Zoe says as she hugs her back before Letty hugs Mia and Jack. Mia and Zoe make their way over to Dom.
"You should've told us," Mia says with a stern look while Dom tries to come to terms with them being there.
"They deserved to know," Letty says with a sigh while looking down.
"Jakob's my brother, too. I need to be here," Mia explains with a slight nod.
"You all get involved here, you all put everything you all have at risk," Dom says as he looks between Mia, Jack, Zoe, and Letty. "Your kids and the whole world that you built."
"We're all risking something," Zoe says as she shakes her head before grabbing Dom by his shoulders so that he will focus on her. "Dom, listen to me. My kids, Mia's, and yours are in the safest hands possible."
"With Brian," Letty says with a smile.
"Our world's grown, Dom. We got this one," Zoe tells Dom with a confident nod before he pulls her and Mia into a hug.

"The firewall on this old thing is actually pretty good. But, you know, port scan, UDP message peek, pop to root shell, and," Ramsey explains to the team while typing on her computer. "Say hello to Project Aries." The screen behind her starts to show the full device that the piece they had found goes to.
"What is it?" Jack asks as he looks at the screen confused.
"It's what we got from Mr. Nobody's plane. Or at least part of it," Letty answers as she looks from the screen to Mia.
"Aries was designed to override and assimilate anything that runs on code. Any computer anywhere. If it operates on zeros and ones, it's vulnerable," Ramsey explains as the function of the device shows behind her on the screens. "If you take Aries and upload it to a satellite, it'll spread like a virus. Then it'll be a matter of time before someone can control any weapon system... traditional, nuclear, stuff we haven't even seen yet... and just point it wherever they want. Jakob reboots the world order within minutes."
"Ares is the god of war, right?" Tej says as he looks at Ramsey before looking at everyone else. "If Jakob gets his hands on this, he'll be the god of damn near everything."
"Because of how dangerous it was, the Aries prototype was recovered and split into two halves by Mr. Nobody. Both of which are worthless without the activation key," Ramsey explains as the screens move with her explanation. "Jakob now has one of the pieces. He'll be going after the other half next. As for the key, it's... it's vanished."
"So we find it," Dom says which causes everyone to look at him. "If we're gonna beat Jakob to it, we're gonna have to split up. Roman, Tej, I know a couple of guys operating out of Germany that could get us anything we need."
"I'm on it," Roman says with a nod.
"Wait, there's one more thing," Tej says which gains everyone's attention. "Mr. Nobody's transmission had one name connected to the key. You guys are gonna want to brace yourselves for this." Tej types on his computer before Han's profile is pulled up on the screen.
"No way," Mia says as everyone looks at the screen in shock.
"That's exactly what I said," Tej says with a nod.
"So you're saying Han's death is connected to all of this?" Roman asks as he points at the screen with Han's picture.
"He has to have something to do with it," Zoe says as she looks at him with a shrug.
"I'll look into it," Letty offers as she looks over at Tej. "Tej, can you send me all the files you have on Han?"
"Yeah," Tej says before he gets to work on that.
"We'll go with you," Zoe says with a nod as she motions to herself and Mia.
"Letty," Dom says as he remembers the postcard that he had pulled out of the drawer in their garage. "I got this the day Han died."
"Mexico," Letty says as she recognizes the cross and place.
"Check the postmark," Dom tells her which causes her to flip the postcard to reveal a Tokyo, Japan postmark. "Whatever he was up to, it ended here."
"Tokyo," Letty says in slight shock since that is where Han died.
"What are you gonna do about Jakob?" Mia asks as she looks at her brother.
"I'm gonna find him," Dom answers her, causing Mia to look at him worriedly because she still cares about Jakob.
"How?" Zoe asks with a raised eyebrow.
"An old friend," Dom answers with a slight smirk, causing Zoe and Mia to look at him confused.
"I hope you're talking about Buddy because I'm going with," Jack says with an excited smile that grows as Dom nods his head while Zoe lightly smiles because she honestly misses Buddy.

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