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"Home sweet home," Dom says as he pulls up at a street race, while Brian looks around with a smile on his face. They get out of the car before looking around at all of the other cars.

"How about that?" Brian asks as he nods towards a bright blue car. "All motor, no tuning issues. I always wanted one of those."

"Held the record on the Avenida three years running," A man says as he walks around the car before he starts speaking in Portuguese. "Damn, bro." before he switches back to English. "You got a lot of balls to bring your problems here, Toretto. Not to mention a cop."

"Yeah, we can keep that on the low," Brian tells him.

"Word on the street is a lot of people are looking for you two," Diogo states causing Brian to smirk. "What? You didn't think we'd recognize you?"

"No, we were kind of counting on it," Dom answers him. "That little coupe may run the streets around here, but that monster has never seen a set of tail lights." Dom points at his car. "Ever."

"Well, she's about to," Diogo taunts causing Brian to chuckle. Diogo starts speaking in Portuguese to the crowd. "Dominic Toretto's ride in my garage. Now that will be a trophy." Diogo turns back to them as he speaks English. "Let's go, legend. Car for car."

"Car for car?" Dom asks him if he is serious.

"You want it come and get it," Diogo taunts him.

Dom pulls into the hide out with Brian driving behind her.

"Lets see what they got," Zoe tells Mia from their spot on the couch. Rome starts laughing as they get out of the cars.

"Really? Where did you get that from? Papa Smurf?" Rome questions Brian, causing Zoe to smile.

The next morning, Brian is about to try his car again on the track that they had set up.

"Okay, O'Conner, Give it your best shot," Dom says over the walkie from his spot beside Zoe and Mia. Brian races through track, causing Zoe to frown as he is still caught by the cameras.

"How was that one?" Brian asks as he gets out of his car.

"Camera caught you," Han answers him.

"What?" Brian asks as he closes his door.

"Yeah, it still caught you," Zoe answers him.

"Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing, too," Brian says as he walks up the stairs.

"We're gonna need a faster car," Dom says as he walks over to them. That night they go to the race where Dom races to get everyone a car.

The next day, Tego is the first one to try the track before he crashes causing everyone to laugh.

"This is exactly why your ass ain't been driving," Rome yells in a teasing tone. Then Tej tries the track before Santos and Rome try the track with each of them getting caught by the cameras. Gisele tries the track and is barely caught by the cameras.

"I think I'm in love," Han says causing Zoe to smile.

"That was real solid work," Rome says as Gisele gets out of her car. "I think camera 3 still caught you, though."

"Let's do it again," Gisele says causing Zoe to smile, knowing she would do the same thing.

Han was able to get a exact replica of the vault, so Tego and Santos are unboxing it.

"That's the piggy bank you ordered," Tego says as Han and Brian move the door off the crate.

"You're kidding me," Tej says as he looks at the vault in shock. "Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?"

"Well, we had a life before you met us," Han answers him.

"All right, I'll get to work on the electronic tumbler but there's still another problem," Tej says as he walks over to the vault. "Palm scanner. And without Reyes' handprint, Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch."

"How do you know it's Reyes' handprint?" Santos asks him.

"You got a $100 million in a safe. You going to put somebody else's handprint on it?" Tej asks him back. Tego and Santos starts arguing causing everyone to laugh.

"How are we supposed to get Reyes' handprint?" Rome asks causing Zoe to look at Dom.

"Han. You're up," Dom orders.

"Sure. Nothing like the easy stuff," Han says as he starts to walk towards his car.

"Let's go. I'll drive," Gisele says before leading the way to her car, causing Brian and Zoe to share a knowing smirk.

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