
3.7K 81 1

5 Years Later

Downtown Los Angeles

Brian chases his mark down a hallway before his mark jumps out of a window, landing on the roof of the next building. Brian jumps after him before continuing the chase. They jump onto another roof before his mark runs inside then exiting the building. A truck blocks his mark's way before his mark jumps over the fence. Brian jumps over the fence before chasing after his mark that is now climbing another fence. Brian slams into the fence causing his mark to fall through a tent, in a market area. Brian climbs the fence before chasing his mark through the market. His mark knocks an officer down as he exits the market before grabbing the officer's gun. Brian ducks as his mark tries to shoot at him three times. His mark runs into an apartment building as Brian grabs his own gun before following his mark. Brian sees his mark run into an apartment before slowly following. His mark climbs out of the window onto a small roof before pointing his gun at the open window. Brian sees his mark through the closed window before running and busting through the window. Brian grabs his mark before they fall off of the roof onto a car.
"I don't know shit!" His mark quickly says as Brian points his gun at him.
"Give me a name!" Brian orders him.
"David Park! David Park's the guy you want!" His mark quickly yells. "Please!" Brian then brings him into the Federal Bureau Of Investigation.

"Thank God," Trina says as Brian catches up with her. "Listen, he's in a mood because yesterday was his cheat day, and then today, some genius brought in donuts."
"Great," Brian says as he starts tying his tie. They enter the chief's office. "Sorry, I'm late."
"Complaints keeping rolling in about your little downtown Olympics, O'Conner," The Chief says as Brian sits down. "Tell me that reinstating you wasn't a mistake."
"I got a name. David Park," Brian tells him.
"That's it? That's all you got? David Park?" Agent Stasiak questions him. "I could throw a fortune cookie out this window and hit about 50 David Parks right now."
"It's Korean, not Chinese," Agent Pascal states.
"Park is a scout that recruits street racers to be mules for the Braga cartel," Brian explains. "We find Park, and we bust the bad guys."
"Okay. Stasiak, call the Toretto household, inform them of Leticia Ortiz's passing. I presume that's where she was staying, since she is close with Dominic Toretto. Maybe he will come back and we can get him as well as Braga," The Chief explains causing Brian to frown because of Letty's death.

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