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Zoe is talking to Jesse before Letty, Leon, and Vince pull up.
"I'm outta here," Vince says as he hands his bags to Leon, having seen Brian.
"Come on, dog," Leon tries.
"Yo, Dom," Letty says.
"Vince, get over here and give us a hand," Dom calls as Vince starts walking back to his car.
"Looks like you got all the help you need, brother," Vince says before getting into his car and driving off. Zoe is inside helping Mia with the rest of the food.
"Mia! Zoe!" Dom calls as he puts BBQ sauce on the chicken. "The chicken's dry!"
"All right. I'm coming out already," Mia says as she brings out a bowl of rolls. She is followed by Zoe carrying potato salad, who is followed by Jesse and Brian, who are carrying beers. Zoe hugs Dom before they all go sit at the table with Zoe sitting between Mia and Letty. Jesse grabs a piece of chicken and puts it on his plate causing Zoe to smile as she knew what was coming next.
"Hey, hold up," Dom tells him. "Because you were the first to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace." Zoe smiles before crossing her hands.
"Dear heavenly..." Jesse starts but doesn't know how to continue.
"Spirit," Leon says helping him out.
"Spirit. Thank you," Jesse says causing Zoe to smile even bigger as she and Brian make eye contact. "Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection, four core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos and titanium valve springs. Thank you."
"Amen," Letty says as she and Leon clap.
"Not bad," Dom tells him.
"He was praying to the car gods, man," Letty says before they start fixing their plates.
"Look who it is. "Old Coyotes 'R' Us"," Leon says causing them to look and see Vince walking up.
"I thought you weren't hungry, pumpkin," Letty says with a smirk.
"You know, I gotta eat," Vince says.
"He's always hungry," Mia says in agreement.
"All right, sit down," Dom says before Vince walks over and kisses the back of Dom's head then squeezes Mia's shoulder.
"How you doing, Zoe?" Vince asks as he walks to his seat across from Brian. Vince grabs Brian's beer before water falling some into his mouth. Brian takes a drink of his beer after Vince sets it back down.
"Let's eat some grub, man," Letty says as she pats Vince's back. Later that night everyone is watching a movie besides Brian and Zoe who are cleaning up.
"Need a hand with anything else?" Brian asks as he sets the last of the dishes by the sink.
"No, I'm good. You can go join the boys and watch the movie," Zoe says as she washes the dishes.
"The cook doesn't clean where I come from," Brian says as he starts helping by drying the dishes.
"I'd like to go there," Zoe says with a smile.
"I think we should go out sometime," Brian says.
"No, I don't date Dom's friends," Zoe says just to see how hard he was willing to try to get her to say yes.
"That sucks. I'll have to kick his ass then," Brian says causing Zoe to look at him with a smile.
"I'd love to see that one. I would pay to see that one, actually," Zoe says with a giggle.
"Wash my car when you get done," Vince says as he walks into the kitchen to make popcorn.
"What was that?" Zoe asks turning to look at him.
"No, Zoe. I'm talking to the punk. Wear your favorite dress, cause when you're done, I'm putting you on the street where you belong, cutie," Vince explains causing Brian to turn around while Zoe goes back to washing dishes. Vince starts messing with the microwave. "Is this thing broken? What's wrong with this thing?" Zoe then gets an idea.
"V?" Zoe says trying to get Vince's attention. "V, What was that Cuban restaurant you wanted to take me to? The one with the picadillo and..."
"With little red candles, wooden tables..." Vince adds and Zoe could tell that he was getting excited.
"The plantain, food all over the place. What it's called?" Zoe asks.
"Cha Cha Cha," Vince answers her with an excited smile.
"Yeah, that's it," Zoe says with a smirk before turning to Brian. "Well, you can take me there. Friday night at 10:00. Is that good for you?"
"Yeah, it's perfect," Brian answers with a smile.
"Good," Zoe says as she glances back at Vince with a smirk. Vince then leaves the room and hits the door on the way out.

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