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Brian pulls up underneath an overpass before getting out of the car.

"Talk to me, O'Conner. Where the hell have you been?" Penning asks as he answers the phone.

"I got the shipment," Brian tells him.

"'I got the shipment' or 'we got the shipment'?" Penning asks Brian.

"What are you talking about?" Brian asks him.

"Traffic cams in the area picked up pictures of you and Toretto together," Penning answers him. "Listen to me, O'Conner. Bring in the shipment and bring in Toretto."

"But I thought the point was to get Braga. We got an opportunity here," Brian tells Penning.

"Brian, the clock stopped ticking.  Bring them in. Are we clear?" Penning orders him. Brian then notices a blood trail leading from the passenger side to the trunk. Brian hangs up before following the trail, to find Dom looking through the cases.

"So this is what $60 million looks like," Dom says as they look at the packs of cocaine.

"Yeah, we got to get you to a doctor," Brian says as he notices the hole in Dom's shoulder.

"We got to find a place to hide this," Dom argues.

"I know a spot," Brian says before taking them to the stations impound lot.

"502, wet reckless. I need a 48-hour hold," Brian tells the guy at the gate.

"Out back. Any spot you can find," The guy says as he checks it in.

"You sure about this?" Dom asks as they get out of the car.

"Yeah. The last place they'll check, their own impound yard. Trust me," Brian says with a smile. "You know, I've been thinking. When you blew up your car back there, you blew up mine, too."

"Yeah?" Dom asks.

"Yeah. So now you owe me a 10-second car," Brian tells him with a smile.

"Is that right?" Dom asks him.

"Yeah," Brian answers. Dom walks over to a car before busting the window and unlocking the car.

"Now, we're even," Dom says.

"Is this your way of keeping me away from him?" Zoe asks as Brian opens the door for her.

"You're the only one I could call," Brian tells her.

"He's basically my brother, of course," Zoe says before walking over to Dom, who gives her a hug. Zoe uncovers the wound. "The bullet's not in there." Zoe looks at the wound. "I'm going to clean it and stitch it up. It's going to hurt."

"I bet you're going to enjoy this," Dom says with a smile as Zoe lays the supplies out.

"A little," Zoe says with a smirk before she gets to work. After she is done, they gather around the table to eat. "Want some of this?"

"Yeah," Dom answers as he looks at what Zoe is holding.

"It's spicy," Zoe warns with a smile.

"I like it hot," Dom says as he puts some on his plate before taking a bite.

"Dom, what are you doing?" Zoe asks shocked. "You reached first, you have to say grace." Dom takes a drink as Zoe and Brian fold their hands.

"Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table..." Dom starts and doesn't seem as if he would continue.

"With food, family, and friendship," Zoe finishes with a smile on her face. After they eat Dom leaves the room, leaving Zoe and Brian alone. Dom finds a box with Letty's name on it before opening it. The first thing he sees is a picture of him and Letty.

"You asked me why I let Dom go," Brian says as he looks at Zoe, who looks at him. "I think it's because in that moment, I respected him more than I did myself. Yeah. One thing I learned from Dom is that nothing really matters unless you have a code."

"And what is your code, Brian?" Zoe asks him with a small smile as she starts to see the Brian that she fell in love with.

"I'm working on it," Brian answers her.

Dom starts going through the box again until he finds a cellphone before he redials the last caller. Brian's phone starts ringing causing him to look at it confused as he sees Letty's name. Brian then looks over at Dom, who is walking into the room.

"Shit. Hey, Dom," Brian says as he stands up.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Dom asks as Zoe looks between the two confused.

"Dom, what are you doing?" Zoe asks as she stands.

"When were you gonna tell me you were running Letty?" Dom asks Brian as they keep walking closer to each other.

"Let me explain," Brian tries.

"When were you gonna..." Dom says before grabbing Brian, throwing him into a shelf.

"Dom, stop!" Zoe yells as Dom picks Brian up by the neck. "Stop!"

"You don't understand," Brian mumbles out since Dom is strangling him.

"I don't understand?" Dom asks as Brian pushes on his neck and face.

"Stop!" Zoe yells again before Brian breaks Dom's hold. Dom throws Brian to the floor before punching him.

"She did it for...." Brian tries to get out. "Dom, Stop!"

"Dom, Stop it! Please stop!" Zoe yells as she feels tears come to her eyes as the two men she cares about the most fight. Brian wraps his legs around Dom's arm and neck to keep from getting punched. Dom stands up before slamming Brian down, causing Brian to let go.

"She did it for you, Dom. She did it for you," Brian gets out before Dom can hit him again. "Letty came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Braga. She just wanted you to come home!" Zoe looks over at Dom in shock before he looks at her with tears in his eyes. Dom then starts walking away from them. "I'm sorry, Dom." Brian hits a basket. "I'm sorry!"

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